Dr. Nancy Sharma, Associate Professor & Vice Principal at I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad is an acclaimed academic professional with rich experience of around 20 years in the field of Computer Science and is also a certified professional on IBM RAD Tools along with other certifications in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. She is an IT expert who had delivered specialized invited talks & sessions on latest IT trends and technologies as Keynote speaker at many reputed platforms including University level, Colleges and different schools of Delhi NCRs. She had also provided Trainings as Resource person to the personnel of prominent government organizations including training to Indian Air force staff (Air Warriors) on IT modules and Training to Employees of Ghaziabad District Collectoriate on E -Patrawali Project. To mention her much appreciated achievements, she is contributing immensely in promoting education, health care and other important life skills among Girl, women in the Institute and her nearby. With a mission to Empower and Enlighten women to perceive their actual potential & to assist them to achieve milestones in the dynamic contending world, she had initiated different women empowerment programs and established a Women's Cell- She Connects @ I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad, UG campus 04 years back. She is also instrumental in creating an Innovative Ecosystem for the Young Women to help them in achieving Physical, Emotional and Mental Freedom to confront all the difficulties and Challenges of their Lives. Her other significant role incorporates giving Career Guidance/ Counseling to these young girls, and their parents; Planning & organizing various Awareness programs focused on Women Health related issues like Breast Cancer, PCOD, Cervical cancer, Proper Diet & Nutrition etc; Self-Defense trainings for Girls; Arranging specialized sessions about Community Living to them and giving trainings on social skills, as well. As the Main Coordinator, she has also represented I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad at the reputed platform in year 2019 wherein Ghaziabad District Administration under the guidance and direct supervision of Ms. Ritu Maheshwari, District Magistrate, Ghaziabad initiated a CSR activity “Ghaziabad Rahgiri - Ek Satyagraha" in collaboration with I.T.S as nodal center for planning & organizing the event to create awareness about the Swachhata Abhiyan in an endeavor to shoulder the responsibility of making Ghaziabad the cleanest city of state while emphasizing on disposal of waste in appropriate manner, need for air quality improvement, harmful effects of noise pollution & usage of plastic with the help of different activities. As Principal Coordinator at I.T.S Ghaziabad, she has handled various Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Women Entrepreneurship Development Program, Technology Entrepreneurship Development Program, Faculty Development Programs (EACs, WEDP, TEDP, FDPs etc) under Government funded project; DST-NIMAT Projects sponsored by EDII, Ahmedabad & NSTEDB, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India for the students & faculty members at the Institute and nearby areas to create techno-entrepreneurs and resource persons in the field of Entrepreneurship including Women. Prof. Sharma is also the convener of Delhi NCR’s biggest Annual Inter School Quiz competition- Quiz whiz being organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad & well acknowledged by fraternity of more than 400 schools from almost a decade. She had also organized Business & Trivia quizzes for corporate fraternity with participation of professionals from renowned companies like Indian Oil, Maruti Suzuki, Times of India, Deloitte, Herocorps etc. While nurturing her research acumen in the domain, she has actively collaborated in various research activities & had published Research papers & book chapters at various reputed International and National journals in the field of Educational Data Mining. Being an active member of various program committees, she has organized different workshops, seminars, conference, summits, symposiums, staff development & faculty development programs etc at the Institute for the students and faculty & staff members. She has also participated in many UGC/AICTE sponsored FDP’s and other Conferences, Seminars, Workshops organized at National/International level including Skill Enhancement programs conducted by HCL, WIPRO, IBM, NASSCOM etc. Apart from the regular academics, she caters various other administrative responsibilities at the Institutional level for brand & corporate relationship strengthening including tie ups with external agencies/bodies/organizations for skill development, counseling, mentoring of the students, faculty/staff members at different schools and colleges of Delhi NCR. She has received an Award of Excellence- KALAM KE SIPAHI-2019” by Newspaper Association of India (NAI) towards recognizing efforts, commitment & contributions towards institutional responsibilities. Apart from other accolades, she has also been honored by Shikshak Samman on 5th September 2021 conferred by Uttar Pradesh Government Higher Education Department and CCS University Meerut for the contribution in the field of Higher Education and Implementation of National Education Policy- 2020
Name: Ms. Nancy Sharma
Qualification: Ph.D (CS) pursuing, MCA, M.Sc. (CS), PGDIBO, BCA
IBM certificated on RAD Tools
Designation:Associate Professor & Vice Principal
E-Mail Id: vprin.ug.mn@its.edu.in
Area of Specialization / Research: Databases and Data Mining
Professional Association (CSI/ IEEE/IETE, ISCA etc.): Certified professional on IBM RAD Tools along with other certifications in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.Women Entrepreneurship Development Program, Technology Entrepreneurship Development Program, Faculty Development Programs (EACs, WEDP, TEDP, FDPs etc) under Government funded project; DST-NIMAT.
Years of Experience: 20 years
As Resource Person:
Invited speaker for a session on “Cyber Bullying” organized at Hindon Air Force station during Cyber Warfare week.
Invited speaker for a session on “Careers in IT field” at Vivekananad School.
Invited judge for a technical event at ABES-IT College.
Invited speaker for as session on “IT Career opportunities and challenges” in a Seminar at Barut.
Invited speaker for a session on “Blogs- An effective medium to Communicate” at IMITcollege.
As Participants / Attended:
Participated in 5 days FDP on "Emerging IT Technologies, Research Directions in the field of Information Technology" organized by Dept. of IT in June 2016
Attended CEO meet on “Leading transformation through Crafting Technology Vision for India’s Future” organized by Dept of IT in October 2015.
Attended IT summit on “Industry Expectations from Graduating IT Professional, Gaps & Possible Remedies to Bridge these Gaps” organized by Dept. of IT in August 2015.
Participated in DST, Govt of India sponsored 15 days FDP on “ Entrepreneurship Awareness” organized by TBI-KIET
Participated in Faculty Development program at I.T.S Mohan Nagar an Education Initiative in association with Nasscom.
Participated in Faculty Development program at I.T.S mohan nagar on "Rational Application Developer (RAD)" during 13th - 16th January, 2012 in association with IBM.
Participated in Faculty Development program at AIMA on “Advances in Research Methods & Data Analytical Tools” in May 2011
Attended Faculty Development program at HCL Technology Ltd. on “Innovative Teaching Methodologies” in August 2010
Participated in Faculty Development program at I.T.S., MohanNagar on “Innovative Teaching & Learning Methodologies” in association with Wipro Mission 10 X in 2009
Participated in Faculty Development program at I.T.S., MohanNagar on “ERP Solutions”
Participated in Faculty Development program at I.T.S., MohanNagar on “SPSS software”
Attended & participated in various others FDPs, conferences and seminars organized at various levels
1 For Journals:
Nancy Sharma, Yogita Chauhan and Yaduvir Singh, “Internet of Things (IoT) : Challenges and Future Directions”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2016, ISSN (Online) 2278-1021 ISSN (Print) 2319 5940, page no 960-964
Nancy Sharma and Anuradha Sharma “Sensor based Technologies for Visually Impaired: A Comparative Study”, IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on Next generation Computing Technologies and Applications, NGCTA: 8-11, November 2013 (ISBN: 973-93-80878-40-8), page no: 8-11
Nancy Sharma, Vidushi Singh, Anil Rajput “Challenges of Dynamic Load Balancing of Association Rule Mining Algorithms in Distributed Computing Platform”, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IIJDWN), Vol (1), issue (1), August 2011, ISSN (Online) : 2249 –2186, ISSN (Print) : 2249 –7161 Page no: 75 -78
11.2 For Conference:
Nancy Sharma and Vineet Kansal, “Identifying the capabilities of Data Mining in providing the Quality in Technical Education” in the proceedings of 5th National Conference on computing for nation development – INDIAcom 2011 at BVICAM, NewDelhi organized jointly by IEEE,CSI,ISTE-Delhi Section, AICTE ISSN 0973-7529 ISBN 978-93-80544-00-7
Nancy Sharma and Sunil Kr. Pandey, “Business Intelligence in Healthcare Organizations: Challenges & Solutions” in proceedings of International Conference on “Information Technology & Business Intelligence (ITBI-09)”, Nov, 6-8, 2009, at IMT, Nagpur.
Nancy Sharma and Yogita Chauhan “Embracing of Cloud Computing in Management Education: An Institutional Transformation” held at UIM, Greater Noida on 9th April, 2011
Nancy Kansal, “Role of ICT in india : Rural Areas and Health care” in proceedings of National Seminar on Emerging trends in IT held at at I.T.S Mohan Nagar in 2007
11.3 For Book Chapter:
“Business Intelligence in Healthcare Organizations: Challenges & Solution” , Nancy Sharma and Sunil Kr. Pandey, Trends in Information Technology and Business Intelligence, Excel India Publisher, 2009, ISBN: 93-80043-37-6
Work Profile: (Academic Administration): Workshops- IT, Alumni, Branding and Outreach, Trivia (Inter Corporate Quiz) & Quiz Whiz (Inter School Quiz Competition)
Conference / Seminars / Summit / CEO Meet / CXO Meet / Organized:
Handled a few tasks in IT Summit, CEO meet
Institution Building:
Involved in Government funded project- DST- NIMAT Project 2015-16, GOI for organizing Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for students, faculty at I.T.S Mohan Nagar
Establishing relationship with corporate fraternity, External Academic Partners to strengthen the Industry- Academia Interface at I.T.S.
Organizing a variety of brand building activities to empower I.T.S as a brand among their target audience.
Planning and organizing different brand building activities at I.T.S
Organizing workshop for students on emerging IT Trends.
Strengthening relationship with Alumni and organizing their specialized sessions for students either in person or through Video Conferencing.
Strengthening relationship with Corporate and academic fraternity through different activities.
Mentoring students for academic excellence and participation in activities at different levels
Training to Air force staff (Air Warriors) on different modules at I.T.S.
Fifteen days with Ghaziabad District Collectoriate Employees (Training Project of on E -Collectoriate Project) in January 2008.
Conducted a session on “Cyber Bullying” for school students at Hindon Air Force station during Cyber Warfare week.
Conducted career counseling sessions for students of colleges/schools in Delhi/NCR.
Conducted PDP sessions on Positive Attitude & Online communication for skill development of students.
Award of Excellence- KALAM KE SIPAHI-2019”.
Honored by Shikshak Samman on 5th September 2021 conferred by Uttar Pradesh Government Higher Education Department and CCS University Meerut.
Workshops for all the students of BCA 2nd Year on Web Development using HTML, PHP & CSS .
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Workshops for all the students of BCA 2nd Year on Mobile Application Development using Android
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Workshops for all the students of BCA 2nd Year on Web Development using HTML, PHP & CSS .
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Workshops for all the students of BCA 2nd Year on Full Stack MERN Development (22nd & 23rd January 2025) .
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Workshops Planned for all the students of BCA 2nd Year on Mastering Docker (22nd & 23rd January 2025):
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Students of BBA & BCA 1st Year shall be visiting tomorrow (22.01.2025) Auto Expo at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi .
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Guest Lecture on “Programming Basics” by renowned author & educator Dr. Reema Thareja is scheduled on 26th November, 2024. Dr. REEMA THREJA is currently working as Assistant Professor in
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I.T.S Mohan Nagar UG Campus has organized Alumni Talk “Campus to Corporate Corridor” for BBA Third Semester students on September 30, 2024.
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I.T.S Mohan Nagar UG Campus organized an insightful mentoring session by Mr. Nitin Saluja, the founder of Chaayos under the aegis of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
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