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UDAAN – Scaling New Heights “ is I.T.S annual magazine . The college magazine is a platform for the students to express their creative pursuit which develops in them originality of thoughts and perception. The contents of the magazine reflect the wonderful creativity of thoughts and imagination of eminent guests and our students. It provides the opportunity to go through the glimpses of various programmes and activities throughout the year.

E-Buddy Bulletin – TATVA

It is a medium to discover the creative potential of students. The bulletin features various interesting columns, like Campus Tweet, Did you know, Culture Curry, Latest Scoop, Students’ Wall etc, written by students. TATVA gives more insight to students’ acuity and their way of perceiving life.



I.T.S brings out its own Newsletter quarterly. It focuses on major activities both academic and extra-curricular in the campus. The main objective of this publication is to provide a round up of the happenings in the institute for awareness amongst its patrons, students, alumni, corporate world and all those who look towards this institute as a place of good professional learning.

I.T.S Journal- SYNERGY

‘Synergy’- The focus of bi-annual research journal is on contemporary themes, research study, book reviews, articles etc.The journal also encourages research on different practical areas of management, IT and issues related to the economy,industry and environment.


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