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Top UG colleges in Ghaziabad


"Excellence and Values" are our guiding principles which are reflected in every activity of the institute . We have always emphasized adherence to excellence, ethics and values both in businesses as well as in educational institutions established. We take care to inculcate these values among our students while shaping and sharpening their mindsets by the academic rigor of our programs. Due emphasis is placed on exposing our students to real - life situations of the corporate world and facilitating interaction with the best minds in the industry and with those who have helped achieve their missions with strong ethical undertone.The Institute not only extends good campus and state of the art facilities to the students but we also encourage teamwork, personal initiative , and accountability among the students. At I.T.S we aim at grooming professionals who can effectively manage unanticipated challenges and have an urge in them to excel. We take the responsibility of developing and nurturing the world-class skilled & dedicated technocrats and managers who are competent enough to meet the global challenges, which is the need of the hour. We focus on our intellectual capital to become valued assets in the industries and divers professional fields and achieve pinnacle of success.

There is an insatiable thirst for knowledge , skill and entrepreneurship among the youth of India, as witnessed in the explosion of graduate and post- graduate education, especially in professional courses. Their needs can be satisfied only by the quality educational institutions with requisite standards in every respect. Delivering anything less will be unjust and unfair to aspirations of thousands of young hopefuls. Academic excellence , holistic education, innovative approach and global relevance continue to be the corner stone's of our educational philosophy .I am confident that these four will continue to be the determinants of the teaching - learning process at I.T.S . I invite you to embrace the opportunities of the new millennium at our institutes .

Mr. Arpit Chadha
Vice Chairman - I.T.S The Education Group
Mr. Arpit Chadha


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ITS Ghaziabad


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