Prof. Divyanshu Chauhan published a research paper in IEEE conference named “Enhancing New Hire Onboarding through Immersive Augmented Reality Training: A Comparative Study” in International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering (IC3SE-2024) at Amity University, Greater Noida.
Prof. Divyanshu chauhan has participated in one month Faculty Induction Programme Guru Dakshta organized UGC-MMTC Ministry of Education from May 13 - June 08 , 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach completed a one-week Faculty Development Program on "Mathematical & Computational Aspects of Industry 4.0" (MCAI 2K24) organized by HIT Haldia and O.P. Jindal University from June 3-7, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach completed an 5-days Faculty Development Program on Navigating the Future: Practical Applications in Machine Learning organized by EICT Academy IIT Roorkee and Delhi Technological University (DTU) and supported by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi from May 20-24, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach completed 5-days AICTE Short Term Course on Network Science Using Python by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh from May 13-17, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach participated in the National Seminar on Innovation in AI Tools for Effective PR Communication, organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on April 27, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach completed a One-week Short Term Course on Advanced AL/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 Conducted by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh from February 26- March 1, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach completed 5- Days International FDP on Advanced Technologies in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics conducted by Astana IT University, Kazakhstan from February 19-23, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach completed 5-days AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on The recent trends of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the field of Computer Science and Agriculture Engineering conducted by Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering & Technology, CCS University Meerut from February 5-12, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach served as a reviewer in the 5th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT 2024) organized by Galgotias University in Greater Noida on February 9-10, 2024.
Prof. Karan Siwach completed 3- Days comprehensive FDP on Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills organized by ICT Academy at IME College, Sahibabad from January 29-31, 2024.
Prof. Amit Aggarwal Participated in a Three-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Citation & Reference Management for Scholarly Writing” organized by IQAC, NSB Bangalore in collaboration with Mendeley, Netherlands between February 26-28 , 2024.
Prof. Amit Aggarwal Presented a research paper on Digital Transformation in Payment System (A study on digital mobile payment apps (UPI) with Rupay Credit Card after Pandemic) in Two day ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “G-20 and Global Health: Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness and Health Systems” on February 2-3, 2024 organized by KCC Institute of Legal & Higher Education, Greater Noida
Prof. Saroj Kumari ,,Paper Titled “Isolated Word Recognition and Feature Extraction Using Machine Learning” in “8th International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2024) Scopus, under the theme “Theme: Machine Learning for Social Transformation” on January 11-13 ,2024
Prof Saroj Kumari,Attended One Week Online FDP on “End to End Solutions on IOT Security: Research perspective” sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology(MeitY),GoI Organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal and Department of Computer Science and Engineering,NIT Warangal , from June 3-13,2024.
Prof Saroj Kumari,Attended Five days Online FDP on “Innovative Teaching Methodologies in the 21st century” Organized by ARKA JAIN University Jharkhand , from June 24- 28,2024.
Prof Saroj Kumari,Attended Five days Online International FDP on “Towards Sustainable Horizon: Exploring the Role of Data Analysis and AI in Research” Organized by Department of Basic Science and Humanities, IEM Newtown , University of Engineering and Management ,Kolkata in Collaboration with HRDC cell, IEM-UEM Group and IIT, Mandi , from June 24- 28,2024..
Prof Saroj Kumari,Attended One Week Online FDP on “How to use various Statistical Tools in Research Paper Writing and Getting in published in High Impact Journal” Organized by Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad, and sponsored by the Department of Management Studies, during April 8-13,2024.
Prof Saroj Kumari,Attended Eight Days Online FDP on “Leadership Dynamics: Insights from Lord Rama’s Journey” Organized by Dewan Institute of Management Studies-MBA, Dewan VS Group of Institutions, Meerut from April 1-9,2024.
Prof Saroj Kumari,Attended Six Days Online FDP on “The Recent Trends of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Computer Science and Agriculture Engineering” Organized by the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Agriculture Engineering, Chaudhary Charan Singh University ,Meerut held during February 5– 12,2024.
Prof Saroj Kumari,Participating One Day National Webinar on “Research Ethics and Academic Publishing” organized by ARKA JAIN University in Association with Balani infotech pvt Ltd on June 28 .2024.
Prof Saroj Kuamri, UK patent Published, grant date: May 24 , 2024 and registered on April 18, 2024,Title “ Blockchain- Enabled Computer Device For Enhancing Computer Network safety” Application number 6360172.
Dr. Sandeep Garg published a Text Book on “Security Analysis & Portfolio Management" Published,released by Academic University Press, New Delhi, ISBN No.- 978-93-95791-20-5.
Dr. Sandeep Garg published a research paper on “Key Indicators of Financial Inclusion: An Empirical study in the context of rural Murshidabad of West Bengal” in one of the renowned journals “Korea Review of International Studies” ISSN 1226- 4741 (Print), Volume 16, Special Issue 10, November 2023, PP 213- 223.
Dr. Sandeep Garg took a one day workshop on the topic “Strategic Approaches to NAAC Accreditation: Framework for Curriculum Mapping and Attainment of COs, POs, and PSOs” at I.T.S UG campus on April 2, 2024.
Prof. Uttam Sharma completed 3- Days comprehensive FDP on Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills organized by ICT Academy at IME College, Sahibabad from January 29-31, 2024.
Dr. Charu Malhotra presented & published Paper titled “An Improved Distributed Blockchain Model for High Dense Supply Chain Management " in conference proceeding of IEEE-ICDT 2024 2nd International Scopus Indexed Conference held on March 15-16, 2024 at G.L.Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida (Pages 642-647 Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5 )
Dr. Charu Malhotra published patent titled “ INVESTORIQ: ADVANCEMENT IN INVESTOR ANALYTICS “ on February 2 ,2024
Dr. Charu Malhotra contributed as Reviewer in the IEEE-ICDT 2024 2nd International Scopus Indexed Conference held on March 15-16, 2024 at G.L.Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida
Prof. Ankur Sharma Participated in 5 Day National Level Faculty development programme on “ Remote Sensing and GIS” from January 15-19, 2024 organised by The North Cap University Gurugram sponsored by DST SERB Govt. of India
Prof. Ankur Sharma successfully completed for one week FDP “Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence” held from January 22 - 27, 2024 organised by dept. of CSE of Bhupal Nobel’s University Udaipur with certificate id PEL-FDP-AI-5803
Prof. Ankur Sharma successfully completed for one week FDP “The Recent Trends of Big Data and Artificial Engineering” held from February 05 - 12 , 2024 organised by dept. of CSE & Agriculture Engineering” of CCS University Meerut.
Prof. Ankur Sharma Participated in one week National Level faculty development programme on “Generative AI” held from April 1 - 6, 2024 organised by dept. of Artificial Intelligence and data science of Dr. DY PATIL College of Engineering and innovation varletelegaon Pune with certificate id PEL_DYPEI_GAI_11
Prof. Ankur Sharma successfully completed the FDP on “Recent Advances in Control and Instrumentation of Artificial Intelligence : Opportunities, Challenges and Implications” organized by UEM Kolkata with IEEE JOINT CSS-IMS Kolkata chapter India from April 1 -5 , 2024 with 97.5%.
Prof. Ankur Sharma Participated in national level virtual seminar on Innovation in AI Tools for Effective PR Communication on April 27, 2024 organized by department of visual communication in association with Public Relation Society of India, Chennai Chapter, Satyabama Institute of science and Technology, Chennai
Prof. Ankur Sharma has completed Short Term 21 Days Java certification course from Pantech e learning Pvt. Ltd. Chennai from Febraury 7 - 27, 2024
Prof. Ankur Sharma has completed Short Term 21 Days certification course on Natural Language Processing from Pantech e learning Pvt. Ltd. Chennai from April 10 - 30, 2024
Dr.Sweta Published a Paper in TJMS Vol 18 no. 2 From the period Oct 23 to March 2024, ISSN no. 0975-7104 biannual Double blind peer reviewed refereed Journal Title of the paper Artificial Intelligence in HRM- Trends and Prospects.
Dr Richa Agrawal published a Book on contemporary research in Economics, Management and Information Technology and Industry 4.0 having ISBN No: 978-81-965034-2-0 by Indowise International publisher.
Dr Richa Agrawal Published a research paper titled “Impact of stock market frauds on trust of retail market investors: A survey based analysis of stock market” as a co-author in Scopus indexed journal European chemical bulletin(Q4) , ISSN 2063-5346.
Dr Richa Agrawal Design Patent titled "Digital Currency Reader" has been published and granted (Application No.382760-001) on July 6, 2023.
Dr Richa Agrawal published a research paper, "Reasons of Investors' Preferences for ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Schemes) for Taxation Planning: A Quantitative Investigation.” (ISSN: 1526-4726, Volume: 4, Issue: 2). (ABDC Journal)
Dr. Vidushi Singh attended one week FDP on “Generative AI” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication, D Y Patil College of Engineering, Akrudi, Pune from 4-9 March 2024.
Dr. Vidushi Singh attended one week FDP on “The Recent Rends of Big Data and AI in the Field of Computer Science & Agriculture Engineering” organized by the Department of Computer Science & Department Agriculture Engineering, Sir Chottu Ram Institute of Technology and Science, CCSU Meerut from 5-12 February 2024.
Dr. Vidushi Singh attended 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Microsoft Power BI” Data Analyst Associate conducted by ICT Academy from 31 Jul 2023 to 04 Aug 2023 at I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
Dr. Vidushi Singh published a research paper titled "Fostering Effective Human-AI Collaboration: Bridging the Gap Between User-Centric Design and Ethical Implementation" in the Scopus Indexed Journal, "International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication" (ISSN: 2321-8169, Volume: 12, Issue.
Dr. Vidushi Singh’s research paper titled "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Shaping the Future of Computing with Significant Real-World Potential” has been accepted in the Conference ICITEEB2024 - International Conference on Innovative Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Bio-Technology Engineering.
Dr. Neerja Anand completed a short term certificate cum FDP course on Stress Management from NPTEL, Swayam during Aug. 2023 to Oct. 2023
Dr. Neerja Anand completed a short term certificate cum FDP course on Body Language: Key to Professional Success from NPTEL, Swayam during Aug. 2023 to Oct. 2023
Dr. Neerja Anand published an Indian Patent titled “A Method For Enhancing Organisational Culture Through Enhancing Organizational Behaviour” with application no. 202311051219 applied on July 30, 2023 and published on Sept 15, 2023
Dr. Neerja Anand published a Patent Application No. 202341059763 titled “Artificial Intelligence based Employee Training and Development System and Methods” published on Oct. 6, 2023 by Indian Patent, Designs and Trademarks Office.
Dr. Neerja Anand co-authored research paper got published in Pacific Business Review International indexed in Web of Science, ESCI in August 2023 issue
Dr. Neerja Anand attended a One Day Online FDP on "Preparing Authored / Edited Book Proposals for International Publishers" on 15th October, 2023 organized by Adonic Informatics, Kolkata
Dr. Neerja Anand delivered a Guest Lecture on “Media and Communication” at Mewar Law Institute, Vasundhara on Dec. 05, 2023
Dr. Neerja Anand attended a Three Days FDP on “Problem Solving Skills” conducted by ICT Academy from Jan. 29 to Jan. 31, 2024 at IME Sahibabad.
Dr. Neerja Anand attended a 4 days online Workshop/FDP on “HR Analytics using Power BI” organized by Meerashpa Learning Solutions from March 28 to 31, 2024.
Dr. Neerja Anand attended 5 Days Online FDP on “Unlocking Innovation: Exploring Intellectual Property Rights” organized by PVPSIT, Vijayawada, AP from May 16-21, 2024
Dr. Neerja Anand completed Innovation Ambassador (Foundation Level) Training conducted in online mode by MoE’s Institution Innovation Council and AICTE issued on May 13, 2024.
Dr. Neerja Anand attended 5 Days Online FDP on “Intellectual Property Rights and Patents” organized by Deptt. of IT, Dr. MGR Education & Research Institute, Chennai, TN from May 20-24, 2024
Dr. Neerja Anand contributed as a reviewer and received Reviewer Certificates for the review of research manuscripts for Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, a scopus indexed journal from Jan. to June 2024
Dr. Neerja Anand completed Innovation Ambassador (Advanced Level) Training conducted in online mode by MoE’s Institution Innovation Council and AICTE issued on June 01, 2024.
Prof. Nisha Bansal has published a Utility Patent on the title “Intelligent Waste Container with Real Time Monitoring and Adaptive Route Planning” on June 7, 2024 applied on May 24,2024 under the Application No. 202411040582 A.
Prof. Nisha Bansal presented a paper on “Descriptive Answer Sheets Evaluation System using Supervised Learning” in International Indo- Global Multidisciplinary Conference, June 10-12,2024 organized by Himalayan College of Management, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Prof. Nisha Bansal was invited as a screening evaluator in Smart India Hackathon 2023 organized by Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Prof. Nisha Bansal attended 6 Days Online FDP on “Recent Trends of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the field of Computer Science and the Department of Agriculture Engineering” from February 5th-12th, 2024 organized by the Department of Computer Science & Department Agriculture Engineering, Sir Chottu Ram Institute of Technology and Science, CCSU Meerut.
Prof. Nisha Bansal attended one week Online FDP on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics from March 18th- March 23rd 2024 organized by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology Hisar.
Prof. Amit Singh attended a 1 week Faculty Development Program on " Cloud Infrastructure (AWS)" organized by Dept of CSE, JNTUK, Andhra Pradesh in collaboration with AICTE from August 21 - 25, 2023.
Prof. Amit Singh attended a 5 - Day Faculty Development Program on " Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst" organized by I.T.S College Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad from July 31 - Aug 4, 2023.
Prof. Amit Singh attended 1 week International Online FDP on " Impact of IT in diverse Domains" organized by "Dwarka Doss Vaisnav College, Chennai" from July 17th - 24th, 2023.
Prof. Amit Singh filed Patent (Design No. 6307417, Grant Date. 20/11/2023, Registration Date. 04/09/2033) titled "AGRICULTURE ROBOT FOR PESTICIDES SPRAYING" has been published and granted by the Patent Office of Government of UK.
Prof. Karan Siwach Published a Patent with Title “Method for Improving Machine Learning Model Performance with Generative Adversarial Networks” has been approved and published by the Indian Patent Office on the official India Patent Website, Intellectual Property India and Government of India on August 4, 2023 under INDIAN category with application number 202311046496.
Prof. Karan Siwach Successfully completed the CISCO certified certification course with the title of "Cyber Security Essentials/ Introduction to Cyber Security" on July 31 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Participated in a 7-days International FDP on “Impact of Information Technology in Diverse Domains” organized by Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, University of Madras, Chennai from July 17 - 2, 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Completed the Certification Course on “Object Oriented Programming in C++ & Interview Preparation” on July 26, 2023 from UDEMY.
Prof. Karan Siwach Completed the Certification Course on “HTML and CSS: Web Development” on July 28, 2023 from UDEMY.
Prof. Karan Siwach Participated in a 11-days International FDP on “Cyber Security” organized by Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, University of Madras, Chennai from August 7 - 22, 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Participated in a 5-days National Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Cloud Infrastructure (AWS)" organized by Christ College of Engineering and Technology, Pondicherry in collaboration with Brainovision Solutions India Pvt Ltd from August 21 - 25, 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Successfully completed the CISCO certified certification course with the title of "Java Script Essentials” on September 22, 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Security Aspects in Computer Science and its Applications (SACSA-2023), Sponsored by ISEA and organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj (UP) from October 16 to 20 , 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Successfully completed the IBM certified skillbuild certification course with the title of "Web Development” on November 15, 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Participated in 5-days AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis using Python Conducted by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh from November 20 to 24, 2023.
Prof. Karan Siwach Completed the Certification Course on “Automated Machine Learning for Beginners (Google & Apple)” on December 21, 2023 from UDEMY.
Prof. Swati Tyagi attended a One week Faculty Development Program on " Data Driven Research with Advanced Data Analysis Tools" organized by AIU- Academic and Administrative Development Centre Atal Bihari Vajpayee University, Bilaspur & Association of Indian Universities, Delhi from September 20- 26, 2023.
Prof. Pragya Chauhan attended Four Days e-Workshop on “Application of SPSS in Academic Research” organized by Simplify Research from October 26 to 29, 2023.
Prof. Nisha Bansal Design Patent titled"Digital Currency Reader" was published and granted ( Application No.382760-001) on July 6, 2023.
Prof. Nisha Bansal book chapter titled “Assessment of the Comprehensive Performance of 5G Base Station using the COPRAS method " has been published in the book Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence with ISBN No. 978-81-948459-4-2.
Prof. Ankur Sharma presented research paper in conference named “Enhanced Filtering Techniques for an Advanced Fingerprint Recognition System” and has been published in IEEE Xplore with publication date September 2023 and publication id ISBN:979-8-3503-2276-7
Prof. Ankur Sharma presented research paper in conference named ” Air Pollution Monitoring by Indulging AI and IOT for Environmental Protection” and has been published in IEEE Xplore with publication date October 2023 and publication id ISBN-13: 979-8-3503-2284-2
Prof. Ankur Sharma has participated in Workshop organised by AICTE named “VLSI TO SYSTEM DESIGN: Silicon to End Application approach” from July 31 to Aug.4, 2023
Prof. Ankur Sharma has participated in an international level virtual seminar on “Innovative Techniques in Digital Media Production “ by INTI International University Malaysia on July 21, 2023 organised by Sathyabama Institute chennai.
Prof. Ankur Sharma has participated in one week faculty development programme on the “Impact of information Technology in Diverse domains” held from 17 July 2023 to 24 July 2023 organised by Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav college Chennai
Prof. Ankur Sharma has participated in one week National Level faculty development programme on “ Cloud Infrastructure (AWS Technologies)” held from Aug. 21 to 25, 2023 organised by dept. of CSE College of Engineering Andhra Pradesh in collaboration with Brain O Vision solution India Pvt. Ltd. and AICTE with certificate id B23SFDP2468
Prof. Ankur Sharma has participated in IP Awareness/Training Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) on October 30,2023 organized by Intellectual Property Office,Govt. of India office of the controller General of Patents, Design and Trademarks.
Prof. Ankur Sharma Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Security Aspects in Computer Science and its Applications (SACSA-2023), Sponsored by ISEA and organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj (UP) from October 16 to 20 , 2023.
Dr Annu Tomar, published a paper titled “A Financial Aspects of Human Resource Development and Change” in the “International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Social Science Research (IJAFSSR)” in Oct, 2023.
Dr Annu Tomar, published a paper titled “Emerging Trends in Teacher Education” in International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Social Science Research (IJAFSSR) in Nov 2023
Dr Annu Tomar, published a chapter on the topic “Role of Predictive Analytics in Big Data: An Exploratory Study” in the book “Leading the Future” in August, 2023 by NexGen Publishers, New Delhi.
Dr Annu Tomar, Published in the national conference on Management Skills for Personality Growth & Development in the book NEP-2020 Implementation in Dec, 2023.
Dr Annu Tomar, published chapter on “Rewards and Employee Motivation: An Empirical Study on Pharmacy sector in Delhi NCR” in the Nova Science Publishers, Dec, 2023
Dr Annu Tomar, attended FDP on “Innovative Techniques in Digital India Production” by Satyabhama Institute of science and Technology and INTI University, Malaysia on July 21, 23.
Dr Annu Tomar, attended FDP on “Impact of Information Technology in Diverse Education” by Dwarka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College on July 23, 2023.
Dr. Sweta Bakshi published Business Growth through Digital Transformation in International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 10, Issue 2 2022 ISSN 2394 - 7780 (Year 2023)
Dr. Sweta Bakshi published Business transformation through Research Innovations in International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 10, Issue 2,2022 ISSN 2394 - 7780 (Year 2023)
Dr. Sweta Bakshi attended EMIWORLD23 International Congress on Economic Public Finance Business and Social Science, held in Kuthaya/Turkey on Nov. 9, 2023
Dr. Sweta Bakshi attended and published paper on the topic “A Study of Scalability of 5G in India” in 41st International Conference on Recent trends in 5G Technology & Artificial Intelligence held on Dec. 09, 2023
Dr. Sweta Bakshi attended the Webinar on the topic “How to write a book to get published as an Author” organized by NextGen Publication (NGP) held on July 02, 2023.
Dr. Vanchan Tripathi completed the Training Program on Descriptive Analysis and visualization using R from November 4-5, 2023 organised by MSME.
Dr. Vanchan Tripathi presented paper “Impact of sustainable HR Practices on Employee Engagement in the AI Landscape”at SEEDS International Conference 2023 on December 8-9, 2023 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in Five days FDP on NLP, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence conducted by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) in Collaboration with Excel Edtech Pvt. Ltd. From 4th Dec to 8th Dec 2023.
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in Five days FDP on Data Analytics Application Using Cloud conducted by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy in Collaboration with AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy from 4th Dec to 8th Dec 2023.
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in 5-days AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis using Python Conducted by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh from 20 to 24 November, 2023.
Book with title Basic Concepts of PHP Programming has been published at the Book Vikash Publishers & Distributors-Nov 2023 is a well-known publisher, ISBN No: 978-81-944684-9-3.
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in One-day Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) in Research & Industry” conducted by Shri Vaishnava College of Arts and Commerce, Indore on 7th Nov, 2023.
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Security Aspects in Computer Science and its Applications (SACSA-2023), Sponsored by ISEA and organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj (UP) from 16 to 20 October, 2023.
Dr. Rohit Kumar Published a Patent Title “Method for Improving Machine Learning Model Performance with Generative Adversarial Networks” has been approved and published by the Indian Patent Office on the official India Patent Website, Intellectual Property India and Government of India on 4th August 2023 under INDIAN category with application number 202311046496.
Dr. Rohit Kumar Published a Book with title Database Management System has been published at the Book Rivers- Aug 2023 is a well-known publisher, ISBN No: 978-93-5842-034-0.
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in Five days FDP on Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst conducted by ICT Academy from 31st July to 4th August 2023.
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in One-day Seminar On " Innovative Techniques in Digital Media Productions” conducted by Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 21 July 2023.
Dr.Rohit Kumar Participated in a 7-days International FDP on “Impact of Information Technology in Diverse Domains” organized by Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, University of Madras, Chennai from 17 to 24 July, 2023.
Dr. Neerja Anand attended a One Day Online FDP on "Preparing Authored / Edited Book Proposals for International Publishers" on Oct. 15, 2023 organized by Adonic Informatics, Kolkata
Dr. Neerja Anand filed an Indian Patent Application No. 202341059763 titled “Artificial Intelligence based Employee Training and Development System and Methods” published on Oct. 6, 2023 by Indian Patent, Designs and Trademarks Office.
Dr. Neerja Anand filed an Indian Patent “A Method For Enhancing Organisational Culture Through Enhancing Organizational Behaviour” applied under The Patents Act 1970, Patent Application Number- 202311051219, Patent Filing Date- 30.07.2023 and got published on Sep. 15, 2023
Dr. Neerja Anand completed a 3 months certificate course cum FDP on Stress Management (NPTEL/Swayam) from August- October, 2023
Dr. Neerja Anand completed a 3 months certificate course cum FDP on Body Language (NPTEL/Swayam) from August- October, 2023
Dr. Neerja Anand published a research paper titled “Impact of Artificial Intelligence to Automate Management of Employee Benefits" in Volume 16 Issue 2, August, 2023 of Pacific Business Review (International) ISSN: 0974-438X listed with Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) / Web of Science (WoS)
Prof. Seema Kashyap attended one week “deep learning technology in healthcare & technology” jointly organized by the Electronics & ICT Academies at IIT Roorkee, MNIIT Jaipur, NIIT Patna, NIIT Warangal, and PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur from June 26, 2023, to July 1, 2023, under the “Scheme of Financial Assistance for Setting up of Electronics & ICT Academies” of the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
Prof. Seema Kashyap attended one-Week Short Term Course on "Advances in Deep Architectures for Signal, Image and Vision Applications (ADASIVA)" from October 30, 2023, to November 3, 2023, organized by Computer Vision and Biometrics Laboratory, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (IIITA), Prayagraj, U.P., India.
Prof. Seema Kashyap attended one week “data science & data analytics using python” jointly organized by the Electronics & ICT Academies at IIT Roorkee, MNIIT Jaipur, NIIT Patna, NIIT Warangal, and PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur from August 21, 2023, to August 25, 2023, under the “Scheme of Financial Assistance for Setting up of Electronics & ICT Academies” of the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.Dr Annu Tomar attended ten days FDP on “New reforms in higher education with reference to NEP 2020” organized by KR Manglam and CTEF from July 21 to August 02, 2022.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online One-week Course on “Entrepreneurship, Innovations & Digital Skills in New Era of AI " from July 25, 2022, to July 29, 2022, organized by the Moradabad Institute of Technology, Moradabad sponsored by AICTE, MOE’s IIC.
Dr Annu Tomar attended seven days FDP on “Meaningful Research and IPR” organized by KR Manglam and Kasturba Institute of Psychology and Behavioral Science from July 28 to August 03, 2022.
Ms. Neerja Anand completed an online 12 weeks certificate course on "Human Resource Development" from NPTEL (funded by MoE, Govt of India) from July-Oct 2022 on Swayam platform.
Dr Annu Tomar attended five days FDP on “Amazon Web Services” organized by Acharya Institute of Technology and Brain O vision from July 28 to August 03, 2022.
Dr. Yamini Negi completed an online 15 weeks certificate course on "Direct Tax - Laws & Practice” from NPTEL (funded by MoE, Govt of India) from Jan-June 2022 on Swayam platform in August 2022.
Ms. Neerja Anand completed a 12 weeks FDP on "Human Resource Development" from NPTEL (funded by MoE, Govt of India) from July-Oct 2022 from Swayam platform.
Dr Annu Tomar published one chapter titled “Proposal of understanding rural consumer behavior: A study” in the book of Edu-Preneurship in August 2022.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online One week Short Term Course on “Fundamentals of 5G & Beyond Wireless systems” jointly organized by the Electronics & ICT Academies at IIT Roorkee, MNIT Jaipur, NIT Patna, NIT Warangal, and PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur from August 1, 2022, to August 5, 2022, under the “Scheme of Financial Assistance for Setting up of Electronics & ICT Academies” of the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online One-week Course on “Machine learning & Deep Learning using Python" from August 2, 2022, to August 6, 2022, organized by the MET Institute of Computer Science, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Bandra, Mumbai.
Dr. Yamini Negi was the resource person in two days’ Workshop on “Nutrition and Health” and “Segregation of Waste and Waste Management” organized by Sant Nirankari Public School, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi on August 3-4, 2022.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online One-Week Short Term Course on "Advances in Deep Architectures for Signal, Image and Vision Applications (ADASIVA)" from August 8, 2022, to August 13, 2022, organized by Computer Vision and Biometrics Laboratory, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (IIITA), Prayagraj, U.P., India.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online One-week Course on “Designing Smart IoT systems using Tinker cad" from August 8, 2022, to August 13, 2022, organized by the MET Institute of Computer Science, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Bandra, Mumbai.
Dr Annu Tomar received a “Best Reviewer Award” by Redfame Publishing House, USA dated August 16, 2022.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online two-week Short Term Course on “Medical Image Processing” jointly organized by the Electronics & ICT Academies at IIT Roorkee, MNIT Jaipur, NIT Patna, NIT Warangal, and PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur from August 22, 2022, to September 2, 2022, under the “Scheme of Financial Assistance for Setting up of Electronics & ICT Academies” of the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
Dr. Yamini Negi chaired a Technical Session during the 3rd International Conference organized by IARA on “Social Science, Management and Technology in Covid Era” in association with Institute for Scientific Research & Development, Montenegro, Europe on August 28, 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar attended one day FDP on “Multidisciplinary Approach to RM in Humanities and Social Science” organized by KR Manglam and CCS University on September 05, 2022.
Dr. Sandeep Garg shared his knowledge as a resource person in Placement Readiness Enhancement Programme (PREP) organized by Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad on September 14, 2022.
Ms. Shenki Tyagi successfully took a Guest Lecture on “Digital Marketing and Web Analytics” at D. Y Patil University Pune on Sept, 14, 2022.
Dr. Yamini Negi took a session on Excel in the Placement Readiness Enhancement Programme (PREP) organized by Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad on September 14, 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar attended one day FDP on “IPR and Patents” organized by S. A College of Arts and Science, Chennai and RGNIIPM on September 15, 2022.
Ms. Neerja Anand received a grant for International Patent Application (App. No. - 2022/08314) entitled “Innovation Practices for Survival of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) in the Covid-19” that was filed on July 26, 2022, accepted on Sept 16, 2022 and the patent was granted on Sept 28, 2022 by The Patent Office of Republic of South Africa (Patents Act, 1978).
Prof. Saroj Kumari attended one week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development” organized by the Artificial Intelligence Research Centre, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BBD University from September 17-22, 2022.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online One-Week Short Term Course on " Data Science using Python" from October 10, 2022, to October 14, 2022, organized by the Computer Science and Engineering Department, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research,Sector-26, Chandigarh-160019, India
Ms. Shenki Tyagi was bestowed with 6th Dr.Sarojini Naidu - The Nightingale of India International Award for working women 2022 in the Category of Educationist in association with ICMEI World ,ICMEI _IN and Marwah Studios in Oct,22.
Ms. Seema Kashyap completed an online one week FDP on “Security Aspects in Computer Science and Application(SACSA-2022) ” sponsored by ISEA- Project Phase-II and Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Prayagraj , Uttar Pradesh India during October 17-21 2022.
Prof. Saroj Kumari attended one week FDP on “Security Aspects in Computer Science and Application (SACSA-2022) ” sponsored by ISEA- Project Phase-II and Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Prayagraj , Uttar Pradesh India during October 17-21 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar Attended one day FDP on “Digital Footprints and Personal Branding on 17th September, 2022.
Dr. Sandeep Garg attended two days Faculty Development Programme on “Structural Equation Modelling using SPSS- AMOS” organized by department of accounting, GITAM School of Business, Hyderabad (GSBH) in association with International skill Development Corporation (ISDC), UK on October 14-15, 2022.
Ms. Neerja Anand attended a one-day awareness program on “Cooperation” organized by National Cooperative Union of India (Ministry of Cooperation), New Delhi on Oct. 15, 2022
Prof. Raghwendra Kumar Attended Five Days’ “Professional Development Program on Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis using Python, RStudio, Tableau and Text Mining” Organized by Amity Academic Staff College In Association with Amity College of Commerce and Finance and Amity School of Business on October 31- November 4, 2022
Ms. Neerja Anand was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) by Amity University, Noida during their 18th Convocation Ceremony on November 10, 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar published a patent on “Impact of Micro Insurance and its future in India by Publication of the patent office dated Nov 18, 2022.
Prof. Raghwendra Kumar has enrolled for a Ph.D Program from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow in November 2022
Dr. Neerja Anand chaired a Technical Session during the International Conference organized by IARA on “Recent Advancements in the areas of Science, Technology, Business, Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Humanities & Travel-Tourism” in association with Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand on 9th December 2022.
Prof. Pragya Chauhan participated in three days FDP on “Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics” organized by ITS College Ghaziabad in association with AICTE from December 29-31, 2022.
Dr Richa Agrawal attended three days FDP on “Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics” organized by ITS College Ghaziabad in association with AICTE from December 29-31, 2022.
Dr Richa Agrawal published a paper on Financial Inclusion in India- An Overview of initiatives, achievements and challenges in the International Journal of Novel Research and Development.
Dr Richa Agrawal completed an online course on Research Methodology: Complete Research Methodology Project from Udemy.
Dr Annu Tomar attended three days FDP on “Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics” organized by ITS College Ghaziabad in association with AICTE from December 29 to 31, 2022.
Dr Charu Malhotra attended three days FDP on “Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics” organized by ITS College Ghaziabad in association with AICTE from December 29 to 31, 2022.
Prof. Ravi Govil attended three days FDP on “Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics” organized by ITS College Ghaziabad in association with AICTE from December 29 to 31, 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar published one chapter titled “The effects of motivation: A comparative study” in the book of Education, Administration and leadership” in December 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar Published one chapter titled “Learning Management System” in the book Essentials of Education Technology in December 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar received a paper acceptance for her paper titled “Rewards and Employee Motivation: An Empirical Study on Pharmacy sector in Delhi NCR'' in ICBDS, UPES, Dehradun.
Dr Annu Tomar received a paper acceptance titled “Rewards and Employee Motivation: A Comparative Study on Management Institutes in NCR” in Abhigyan Journal (FMS) .
Dr Annu Tomar published one book on “Motivation Hypothesis and Grow Rich” in the management domain by Eliva Press, New York in December 2022.
Dr Annu Tomar organized and attended a workshop as a resource person on the topic “Abstract Writing” organized by ITS, Mohan Nagar on December 07, 2022.
Ms. Anjali Dubey organized and attended a workshop as a resource person on the topic “Abstract Writing” organized by ITS, Mohan Nagar on December 07, 2022.
Dr. Yamini Negi has attended a Seven Days National online FDP on “Research Methodology: Analysis, Tools & Techniques” organized by the IQAC & PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Theivanai Ammal College for Women (Autonomous), Villupuram on December 28, 2022 to January 1, 2023.
Dr. Annu Tomar chaired a Technical Session during the International Conference organized by IARA on “Recent Advancements in the areas of Science, Technology, Business, Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Humanities & Travel-Tourism” in association with Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand on December 09, 2022.
Dr. Yamini Negi took a Career Counseling Session for Class X & XII students at Ram Kishan Institute, Ghaziabad on December 12, 2022.
Prof. Saroj Kumari attended three days FDP on “Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics” organized by ITS College Ghaziabad in association with AICTE from December 29-31 2022.
Dr. Sandeep Garg published a research paper titled “A cointegration analysis of nifty index with sectoral indices of NSE” in one of the renowned journal “Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences” ISSN 0252-2667 (Print), ISSN 2169-0103 (Online), Volume 43(2022), No. 6, PP 1279-1289, DOI: 10.1080/02522667.2022.2138203 abstracted & indexed in ABDC, Web of Science (ESCI).
Ms. Anjali Dubey published a research paper titled “Impact of Business Incubation support on startups performance in India” in renowned journal “International Journal of Business and Globalisation” ISSN:1753-3627E-ISSN:1753-3635 by Inderscience Publishers indexed in Scopus.
Ms. Anjali Dubey published a research paper titled “The Value of Business Incubators and Accelerators: An Entrepreneurial Perspective” in renowned journal “International Journal of Business and Globalisation” ISSN:1753-3627E-ISSN:1753-3635 by Inderscience Publishers indexed in Scopus.
Ms. Shweta kumar published a paper in Education and Society (शिक्षणआशणसमाज) : ISSN 2278-6864 with IF=6.718 Vol. 46, Issue 04, No. 10, October-December : 2022 UGC CARE Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed, Bilingual, Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal entitled "An Assessment of Recent Advancements and Trends in Cyber Security, Including a thorough Analysis of Cyber Attacks" .
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus has successfully completed AICTE Sponsored One Week Online National Faculty Training Program on Frugal Innovations and Social Entrepreneurship organized by Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science &Tech., Sonipat, (A State Govt. University) from July 12-17, 2021.
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus has participated and completed successfully an online Elementary FDP (ATAL-AICTE Training and Learning Academy-MHRD, Govt. of India) on Advance Business Analytics at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow from July 21- 30,2021.
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus was invited as a Guest Speaker to deliver Special Address at International Virtual Conference on Standing up to post-pandemic Challenges in the Global Scenario- ICPPCGS 2K21 organized by Apollo Art & Science College, Chennai on July 31, 2021.
Dr. Charu Malhotra of UG Campus invited as a Resource Person to chair the session in 6th Online International Conference on Advancing Management: Innovation, Engagement & Impact in the post COVID Era organized by KIET SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT on August 6 , 2021.
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus published a chapter entitled: A-Frame Work for Ranking the Factors Affecting Customer Service Quality by MOORA Approach in Recent Trends in Industrial and Production Engineering in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME)- Published by Springer, Indexed by SCOPUS & Web of Science on August 31, 2021.
Prof. Karan Siwach of UG Campus participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary Faculty Development Programme/workshop on AI & IOT applications in Energy Sector organized by Laxmi Narain College of Technology from September 7- 11 , 2021 (No: ATAL/2021/1630910238).
Prof. Karan Siwach of UG Campus participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary Faculty Development Programme/workshop on AI Enabled IoT Networks organized by Adi shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology from September13 -17, 2021 (No: ATAL/2021/1630910275).
Dr. Charu Malhotra of UG Campus attended & successfully completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Advanced Faculty Development Programme on Financial Derivatives and Strategies organized by Cochin University of Science and Technology, from September14 -18, 2021.
Prof. Karan Siwach of UG Campus participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary Faculty Development Programme/workshop on Data Science organized by Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology from September 20-24, 2021 (No: ATAL/2021/1630910667).
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus has been invited as a Resource Person to deliver a session on Research Ethics and How to write a good research paper in Faculty Development Program (FDP) organized by Kedarnath Ram Swaroop Mahavidhyalaya, Chitrakoot, U.P. in collaboration with DHS Foundation, New Delhi. from September 22- 23, 2021.
Prof. Chanda Jain of UG Campus invited as a Resource Person in FDP Program organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Bankim Sardar College (A College with Potential for Excellence) in One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on DESIGN, DEVELOP AND DELIVER OF E-CONTENT AND MOOCs from October 21-27, 2021.
Prof. Neerja Anand of UG Campus attended a 2 Days Doctoral Research Conclave organized by Amity Business School, Amity University, Noida on October 21-22, 2021.
Dr. Yamini Negi of UG Campus invited as a Resource Person in the Two Week Inter-Disciplinary & Multilingual Refresher Course/FDP on Research Methodology organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education from October 23- November 6, 2021.
Prof. Karan Siwach of UG Campus successfully completed certification course on Cloud Computing with AWS at Prutor, IIT Kanpur during October-November,2021 (SI No:- 103933-6443-ab4ada4e04233eab-2021)
Prof. Chanda Jain of UG Campus invited as a Resource Person in FDP Program organized under the aegis of HRDC Utkal University, Bhuvneshwar on Learner Centric Education Techniques on November 22-28,2021 .
Prof. Neerja Anand of UG Campus chaired a Technical Session for HR track during the 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Management and Technology in Covid Era organized by the Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA) in association with Institute for Scientific Research and Development (ISRD), Montenegro on December 19, 2021.
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus has been invited as an expert to chair a technical session in the 2nd International Conference on Social Science Management & Technology in the Covid Era organized by IARA, India in collaboration with the Institute of Scientific Research & Development (ISRD), Montenegro on December 19,2021.
Prof. Karan Siwach of UG Campus participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary Faculty Development Programme/workshop on Multi-omics Data Science organized by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur from December 20-24 , 2021 (No: ATAL/2021/1639648581).
Prof. Chanda Jain of UG Campus invited as a Resource Person in FDP Program organized under the aegis of HRDC Utkal University , Bhuvneshwar on MOODLE , Learning Management System AND google TOOLS on December 21-22, 2021.
Dr. Yamini Negi of UG Campus invited as an Evaluator for Scrutinizing and shortlisting the good ideas in "Toycathon Competition - 2021" (Toy Hackathon) organized by Innovation cell, Ministry of Education with support of AICTE, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Textiles, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus has published a Text Book Titled – Research Methodology-Concepts & Applications: published by Pragati Prakash, Meerut. ISBN No. 9789355311795.
Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta of UG Campus has published a Text Book Titled – Marketing Management- An Indian Perspective-Eleventh Editon-2021, published by Pragati Prakash, Meerut. ISBN No. 97881945589.
1. Dr.Yashmita Awasthi paper on "Women’s Work Life Balance and CSR" May.2020 published in "International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 9s, (2020), pp. 3953-3958", May.2020.
2. Dr.Vijay Prakash Gupta paper on "A Demographic Study of Digital Payment Methods with Outlook of Receptiveness of M-Wallet in Customers of NCR Region" published in "Pacific Business Review International
Volume 12 issue " on Mar 2020.
3. Dr.Yashmita Awasthi paper on "Board Structure and Firm Performance:Evidence from Emerging Market" published in "International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5" JAN.2020 .
4. Prof. Rama Rani paper on "Relationship of Information Technology with Management In Unified Communication – Importance Towards E-commerce & Digital Marketing" published in "International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 254-259" in year 2020.
5. Prof.Barkha Kakkar paper on "An Examination of green HR practices and its impact on environmental sustainability" published in "International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Oct 2019
ISSN: 2277-3878 .
6. Dr.Yashmita Awasthi paper on "An Examination of green HR practices and its impact on environmental sustainability "published in "International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 ,OCT.2019 .
7. Dr.Vijay Prakash Gupta paoer on "The Effect of Length of Service and Demographic Variables on Organisational Role Stress of Public Sector Bank Employees" Jul-19 published in "Shanlax International Journal of Commerce Volume: 7,Issue: 3
Month: July, Year: 2019 ISSN: 2320-4168" , Jul-19 .
8. Dr. Umang Singh paper on "Novel Algorithm for leader election process in virtual traffic light protocol" published in "International Journal of Information & Technology (Scopus Indexed) , Apr-19 .
9. Prof. Shubhra Dwivedi paper on "Building Coding Structure for Distributed Teams in Agile Software Development" published in "International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
IJIACS ISSN 2347 – 8616,Volume 7, Issue 2," 2018 .
10. Dr.Vijay Prakash Gupta paper on "A STUDY OF REGIONAL DISPARITIES DURING POST-REFORM PERIOD IN INDIA." SANKALPNA (An International Multidisciplinary Journal) ISSN 2349- 4034, Oct.-Dec.2018.
11. Prof.Anubha Srivastava paper on " E- Banking ,Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Selected Banks at Jhansi Region " published in International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews(IJRAR) ,Oct.2018 .
12. Prof.Abhay Ray paper on "Challenges and Risks to Implement IOT in Smart Homes: An India Perspective" published in "International Journal of Computer Applications July 21, 2017 .
13. Dr.Umang Singh paper on "Wireless Networks: Present, Past & Future published in " International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering ,ISSN: 2347-2693, Year 2017 .
14.Dr.Yamini Negi paper "The Impact of Behavioral Biases on Investor's Behavior in Indian Stock Market" published in the UGC Approved International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review (IJMSRR-Online), ISSN: 2349-6746, Volume-1, Issue-37, July 2017, pp. 175-183 with impact factor: 4.695
1. Dr.Yashmita Awasthi paper on "Ethics of Advertisement and Marketing Policies: An Indian Perspective" published in "Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (ISSN 0975-2935)
Indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ, ERIHPLUS ,Vol. 12, No. 1, Page 1-8" , Jan- Mar.2020 .
2. Prof.Barkha Kakkar paper on "Ethics of Advertisement and Marketing Policies: An Indian Perspective" published in "Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (ISSN 0975-2935)
Indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ, ERIHPLUS ,Vol. 12, No. 1, Page 1-8" , Jan- Mar.2020.
3.Dr.Vijay Prakash Gupta paperon "Forecasting of Milk Production in India by Using Time Series Autoregressive Moving Average Model" published in "SHODH SANCHAR BULLETIN
Vol. 10, Issue 38 (V) April-June 2020 ,Page Nos. 170-180" , April - June 2020 .
4. Prof. Shubhra Dwivedi paper on "Tools used for Distributed Agile Software Development " published in "Recent Research on Management, Sciences and Technology" ,Special Issue Vol 13 Number (10) 2020,
Print ISSN: 0974-6455 , Online ISSN: 2321-4007 " , Year 2020 .
5. Prof. Rama Rani paper on "A review paper on problems faced by indian exporters in Foreign Trade" published in "Shodh Sarita Vol. 7, Issue 26 (V) April-June 2020 , Page Nos. 114-117".
6.Dr.Umang Singh paper on " eeTMFO/GA:a secure and energy efficient cluster head selection in wireless sensor networks" published in "Telecommunications Systems" on Februray 2020.
7. Dr.Umang Singh paper on " WOATCA:A Secure and energy aware scheme based on whale otimisation in clustered wireless sensor networks" published in "IET Communication " on May-20.
8. Dr.Umang Singh paper on "eeFFA/DE-A Fuzzy Based Clusturing Algorithm using Hybrid Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks " published in " Inderscience" in year 2019 .
9.Dr.Umang Singh paper on " Fuzzy modelling based energy aware clustering in wireless sensor networks using modified invasive weed optimization" published in "ScienceDirect" , Dec- 2019.
10. Dr. Umang Singh paper on "EEFCM-DE: Energy Efficient Clustering Based on Fuzzy C Means and Differential Evolution Algorithm in WSNs " published in "IET Communications (Scopus Indexed) " , May 2019 .
11. Dr.Charu Malhotra paper on "Mutual Funds: New Taste of Indian Investors" published in Presidency Journal of Thought & Management " in year 2017 .
12.Dr.Charu Malhotra, Paper titled “Mutual Funds : New Taste of Indian Investors” published in UGC approved Journal “Presidency Journal of Management Thought & Research” , Volume VII No.2 , July – December 2017 , ISSN 2229-5275.
1. Prof. Richa Singh presented paper titled “Up Sampling of an Image Using Convolution Method ” in IEEE sponsored 6th International Conference on theme “Reliability Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions(ICRITO-2017)” at Amity University, Noida on 21st September , 2017.
2.Dr.Vijay Prakash Gupta paper titled ”Customer Satisfaction & Customer Loyalty in Tourism Sector “ in the Conference i.e. 3rd International Conference on “Development Aspects in Tourism & Hospitality Sector” (DATHS-2017) conducted by Subharti University, Meerut.Page 303-308
3.Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta & Prof.Amit Sharma paper titled “SERVQUAL & SERVPREF Model: A Review of Measures in Services Marketing with Special Reference to Banking Sector in India” in 3rd International Conference on Advances in Management & Decision Sciences at Gautam Budh University, Greater Noida.
4.Prof..Richa Singh presented paper titled “ Improved Transmission Map Dehazing of Images with Dark Channel Prior" IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development INDIACOM-2018 ” at BVICAM, New Delhi on 15thMarch , 2018. Conference Proceedings are published with ISSN Number 0973-7529 & ISBN serial 978-93-80544-28- and to be included in IEEE Explore which is indexed with world’s leading Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) databases, including ISI, SCOPUS, DBLP, EI-Compendex.
5.Neeraj Kumar Jain presented paper titled “A review on Traffic Light Monitoring Techniques” ” in II International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SOCTA-2017) at BU Jhansi from 22-24 December, 2017.
1.Dr.NeelRai presented paper "People, Process & Performance- 3P's Approach Leads In Service Quality With Respect To Corporate Entrepreneurial Culture" in 6th International Conference August 2017, onIC- RSDS- 2017, organized by Swami Shraddhanand College, Delhi University, New Delhi.
2.Prof. Richa Singh presented paper titled “Up Sampling of an Image Using Convolution Method ” in IEEE sponsored 6th International Conference on theme “Reliability Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions(ICRITO-2017)” at Amity University, Noida on 21st September , 2017.
3.Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta paper titled “Customer Satisfaction & Customer Loyalty in Tourism Sector in the Conference” i.e. 3rd International Conference on “Development Aspects in Tourism & Hospitality Sector” (DATHS-2017) conducted by Subharti University, Meerut.
4.Prof. Neeraj Kumar Jain “A Review on Traffic Management Techniques" in II International Conference- Soft Computing: Theories & Applications, SoCTA2017 at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi on 22-24 Dec, 2017.
5.Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta &Prof.Amit Sharma paper titled “SERVQUAL & SERVPREF Model: A Review of Measures in Services Marketing with Special Reference to Banking Sector in India” in 3rd International Conference on Advances in Management & Decision Sciences at Gautam Budh University,Greater Noida.
6.. Prof..Richa Singh presented paper titled “ Improved Transmission Map Dehazing of Images with Dark Channel Prior" IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development INDIACOM-2018 ” at BVICAM, New Delhi on 15th March , 2018.
1. Dr. Vijay Prakash Gupta Presented paper on Digitalisation on Banking Industry in National Seminar Organised by IMS University Campus, Ghaziabad 25 th Nov, 2017.
1.Prof.Chanda Jain received "Certificate of Appreciation by IIT Bombay , for working as a Mentor in AICTE approved FDP on 'Foundation Program in ICT for Education' from 3 August 2017 to 7 September 2017 and FDP on "Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process" from 14 September to 12 October 2017.together considered as a four week equivalent FDP course 2017.
1.Dr.Charu Malhotra attended workshop on “Goods & Service Tax” in Amity University on 22/July /2017.
2.Prof.Yamini Negi attended workshop on “Goods & Service Tax” in Amity University on 22/July /2017.
3.Dr. Charu Malhotra attended workshop on “Value System in Higher Education and Indian Context” organized by IQAC in CCS University on 31/March/18.
4.Dr.Vijay Prakash Gupta attended workshop on “Value System in Higher Education and Indian Context” organized by IQAC in CCS University on 31/March/18.
5.Dr.Vijay Prakash Gupta attended workshop on “Advance regression Analysis” organized by Rukmani Devi Institute of Advance Studies,Delhi (I.P. University) on 14 April,2018 .
1) Prof.Richa Singh “A Review on Image Restoring Techniques of Bad Weather Images” published in the “International Journal of Computer Applications” ISBN: 973-93-80975-09-1
2) Dr. Rai Neel & Sijariya Rajeev “A Study on how the Convergence of Corporate Entrepreneurship & Service Quality Leads to Organizational Performance ” “IMPACT: International Journal of Business & Management “ , Volume 4, Issue 12 , December 2016.
3) Dr. Charu Malhotra & Ms. Vaijayanti Anand “National Pension Scheme: An Effective Tool for Saving Tax ” in “International Journal of Science Technology and Management” , Volume 06 Issue 06 , June 2017. ISSN(O) : 2394-1537 ISSN (P) : 2394-1529 , Impact Factor 2.012
4) Ms.Rama Rani Mishra “Foreign Direct Investment : In Recent Years” in “International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research ” , June 2017 ISSN:2319-4421 , Impact factor 5.462
1) Dr. Verma Mansi “ A Study on Understanding Diversity at Work Place : Managing People & Organization “ pg 362-365 “Advances in Economics and Business Management “ Volume 3 , issue 4 , April – June 2016.
1) Ms. Richa Singh , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “ A Review on Image Restoring Techniques of Bad Weather Images “ in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
2) Ms.Yamini Gupta , Research Scholar , Department of Economics , Jamia Milia Islamia & Ms. Anupama Aggarwal, , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “Study of Impact of Foreign Institutional Investment on Indian Stock Market and Selected NSE Sectorial Indices ” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
3) Dr. Jerry Luftman, Professor & Managing Director of The Global Institute for IT Management , Dr. Deepika S.Joshi ,Associate Professor ,FCBM Amrapali Group of Institutes & Ms. Barkha Kakkar, Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “ICT-Business Alignment & ROI –A Tactical Approach to Justify Technology Implementation: A Case Study of NCR Delhi ” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
4) Ms .Geeta, Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science & Ms.Teena Kohli , Assistant Professor , Department of Mathematics , Janki Devi Memorial College presented paper titled “Study of Bounded and Fuzzy Bounded Linear Operators” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
5)Mr. Jasbir Singh , Nzcare Group Limited & Ms. Kirandeep Kaur , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled,”Almost Ideal Demand System” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
6) Dr.Rakesh Gupta , Professor & Head Department of Statistics CCS University, Dr. Vishal Sharma Assistant Professor ,Department of Statistics ,Vardhman College & Ms. Himani Shonik , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled,”Cost Benefit Analysis of a Beer Production Plant System,” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
7)Dr. Namita Dixit , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled”A Study on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Among Developing Countries ” in International Conference on Management & IT held during 28-29 April, 2017.
8) Dr. Mansi Verma, Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “Study on Innovativeness for Entrepreneurs: Benefits of Innovativeness for Entrepreneurship.”at Dream , Build & Grow : Unleashing The Entrepreneurial Potential , 4th International Conference on Management on 9&10 February , 2017
9) Khan Nusrat & Dr. Verma Mansi presented a case “ Zest Retail Store : Employee & Customer Engagement “ in “III International Case Conclave “ pg 198-203 ELIXIR on 9/September/2016
1) Dr. Namita Dixit , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “A Study of Impact on the Financial Inclusion on Financial Literacy ”in the National Conference on “ Banking the Unbanked : Financial Inclusion in Digital India “ organized by Jaipuria School of Business on 15/April/2017.
2) Dr. Nidhi Agarwal , Presented a paper on “Women Entrepreneurship in Unorganized Sector : Problems and Challenges” in National Conference on “Development of Micro and Small Women Enterprises in India” received “Best Paper Award” sponsored by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow and organized by Vidya College of Engineering on 24/June/2017.
1) Dr. Rai Neel, "Modern Students Buying Behavior as a Consumer in Education Market" LAMBERT Academic Publication, Bahnhofstraße 28, D-66111 Saarbrücken, Germany.978-3-659-97677-3
1) Kansal, N., Solanki, V. K., & Kansal, V. (2017). Educational Data Mining and Indian Technical Education System: A Review. In N. Dey, A. Ashour, & P. Patra (Eds.), Feature Detectors and Motion Detection in Video Processing (pp. 18-34). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1025-3.ch002
1) Ms. Richa Singh , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “ A Review on Image Restoring Techniques of Bad Weather Images “ in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
2) Ms.Yamini Gupta , Research Scholar , Department of Economics , Jamia Milia Islamia & Ms. Anupama Aggarwal, , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “Study of Impact of Foreign Institutional Investment on Indian Stock Market and Selected NSE Sectorial Indices ” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
3) Dr. Jerry Luftman, Professor & Managing Director of The Global Institute for IT Management , Dr. Deepika S.Joshi ,Associate Professor ,FCBM Amrapali Group of Institutes & Ms. Barkha Kakkar, Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “ICT-Business Alignment & ROI –A Tactical Approach to Justify Technology Implementation: A Case Study of NCR Delhi ” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
4) Ms .Geeta, Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science & Ms.Teena Kohli , Assistant Professor , Department of Mathematics , Janki Devi Memorial College presented paper titled “Study of Bounded and Fuzzy Bounded Linear Operators” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
5)Mr. Jasbir Singh , Nzcare Group Limited & Ms. Kirandeep Kaur , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled,”Almost Ideal Demand System” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
6) Dr.Rakesh Gupta , Professor & Head Department of Statistics CCS University, Dr. Vishal Sharma Assistant Professor ,Department of Statistics ,Vardhman College & Ms. Himani Shonik , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled,”Cost Benefit Analysis of a Beer Production Plant System,” in International Conference on Computer System & Mathematics Sciences(ICCSMS-2016) organized during 18-19 Nov ,2016 at ITS , Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
7)Dr. Namita Dixit , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled”A Study on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Among Developing Countries ” in International Conference on Management & IT held during 28-29 April, 2017.
8) Dr. Mansi Verma, Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “Study on Innovativeness for Entrepreneurs: Benefits of Innovativeness for Entrepreneurship.”at Dream , Build & Grow : Unleashing The Entrepreneurial Potential , 4th International Conference on Management on 9&10 February , 2017
9) Khan Nusrat & Dr. Verma Mansi presented a case “ Zest Retail Store : Employee & Customer Engagement “ in “III International Case Conclave .
10) Dr. Charu Malhotra & Ms. Vaijayanti Anand presented paper titled “National Pension Scheme: An Effective Tool for Saving Tax ” in 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Management and Engineering on 24th June ,2017 organised by Department of Management , IIMT College of Engineering , Greater Noida
1) Dr. Namita Dixit , Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science presented paper titled “A Study of Impact on the Financial Inclusion on Financial Literacy ”in the National Conference on “ Banking the Unbanked : Financial Inclusion in Digital India “ organized by Jaipuria School of Business on 15/April/2017.
2) Dr. Nidhi Agarwal , Presented a paper on “Women Entrepreneurship in Unorganized Sector : Problems and Challenges” in National Conference on “Development of Micro and Small Women Enterprises in India” received “Best Paper Award” sponsored by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow and organized by Vidya College of Engineering on 24/June/2017.
Book Review
List of Publication in International/National Conferences
1.Kumar Manoj(2012) “Information Communication Technology (ICT): Its Advantages and Constraints in Teaching Profession” SRM University, Ghaziabad, 6-7 April, National Conference.
2.Chauhan Yogita 2011, “Embracing of Cloud Computing in Management Education An Institutional Transmoration ” Proceedings of National Conference on Contemopary Issues & Emerging Trends in Management & Technology was held at United Institute Of Management On 9th April,2011.
3.Sharma Nancy 2011, “Embracing of Cloud Computing in Management Education An Institutional Transmoration ” Proceedings of National Conference on Contemopary Issues & Emerging Trends in Management & Technology was held at United Institute Of Management On 9th April,2011.
4.Singh Vidushi (2011) “Security Challenges in Distributed Computing"National Conference on "Contemporary issues & Emerging Trends in Management and Technology" UIMT , Greter Noida 9th April 2011.
5.Saluja Mamta (2011) “An Empirical study of the role of Microfinance for Urban Poor”” International Conference on Inclusive Growth and Microfinance Access at Banaras Hindu University during January 29th–30th, 2011
6.Gupta Subhro Sen 2011, “An Empirical Study of the Role of Micro Finance for Urban Poor” Proceedings of National Conference on Inclusive Growth and Micro Finance was held at Banaras Hindu University during 29th & 30th January, 2011.
7.Gupta Subhro Sen 2011, “An Analytical Approach to E.O.Q” Proceedings of National Conference on Improving the Profitability of Small and Medium Enterprises organized by Institute of Advanced Management & Research on 5th & 6th Feb 2011
8.Gupta Subhro Sen 2011, : “Taming carbon-dioxide” Proceedings of International Conference on Improving the Profitability of Small and Medium Enterprises during 29th & 30th January, 2011
9.Gupta Subhro Sen 2011, “Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility Through Green Accounting ” was presented on 17th & 18th September, 2010 at Bharat Institute of Technology, By pass road, Partapur Meerut
10.Gupta Subhro Sen 2011, “Reverse Merger and its implications in the process of Corporate Restructuring” on 15th & 16th January, 2011 at I.T.S-Management & I.T. Institute Mohan nagar , Ghaziabad
11.Gupta Subhro Sen “A Study of Reverse Merger in India”- Tax implications on 30th October, 2010 at G. L. Bajaj Institute of Management And Research , Greater Noida.
12.Raj Shreyta, “Cloud Computing : Data Privacy and Data Security Issues” accepted for publication and presentation in TECHNOPHILIA 2011 to be held on 25th March, 2011 at Northern India Engineering College, Delhi.
13.Raj Shreyta, “M Commerce :Adoption Analysis of Mobile banking in India” presented and published in International onference in SPIN -2011(Speech Processing and Integrated Networks) held on 24th and 25th February, 2011 at Amity College of Engineering, Noida.
14.Raj Shreyta 2011, “An Analytical Approach to E.O.Q” Proceedings of National Conference on Improving the Profitability of Small and Medium Enterprises organized by Institute of Advanced Management & Research on 5th & 6th Feb 2011
16.Sharma Archana (2011) “Intelectual Property Rights and Domain Protection Issues An Indian Perspective ” G.G.S.Indraprastha University, New Delhi, 26th March, 2011. National Seminar on Human Rights
17.Kaur Sarabjit (2011) “RURAL RETAILING IN INDIA – A ROAD AHEAD ” National Conference on Retailing in India- Emerging Dimensions to Explore Rural Potential (RIED- 2011). IIMT , Aligarh 30- 31 Jan. National Conference Mgt.
18.Kaur Sarabjit (2011) “Intelectual Property Rights and Domain Protection Issues An Indian Perspective ” G.G.S.Indraprastha University, New Delhi, 26th March, 2011. National Seminar on Human Rights
19.Kaur Sarabjit (2011) “ Right To Information – a New Weapon” National Seminar on Human Rights 2011. ACEM, Aligarh 26th March. National Seminar on Human Rights
20.Sharma Nancy,Kansal Vineet (2011) “Identifying the capabilities of Data Mining in providing Quality in Technical Education” 5th National Conference on “Computing for Nation Development", Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Institute of Computer Applications and Management, New Delhi, 10-11th March 2011 jointly with IEEE, CSI, ISTE - Delhi section, AICTE.
21.Jain Abhinav 2011, “An Analytical Approach to E.O.Q” Proceedings of National Conference on Improving the Profitability of Small and Medium Enterprises organized by Institute of Advanced Management & Research on 5th & 6th Feb 2011
22.Kumar Manoj, (2008) "Human Resource Information System(HRIS) : An optimum Tool for HR Functions," Proceedings of National Conference on Need for HR Renaissance in India, ITS Ghaziabad Wisdom Publication, Delhi, p. 182. National Conference HR
23.Kumar Manoj, (2010) "Potential Utilization Management: A Retaining Perspective", Proceedings of National Seminar om Managing HR Challenges in The Emerging Global Scenario, BLS Institute Ghaziabad, Wisdom Publication, Delhi, p.p.220. National Conference
24.Vidushi Singh “Data Grid : Replication Management and Its Implemenataion Issues” in the proceedings of International Conference on Data Management (ICDM2009) organized by IMT Ghaziabad on Feb 10-11 ,2009 pp. 18-24.
25.Vidushi Singh, " Future of IT Industry:Technology and Implementation Issues" Proceedings of National Conference on Global Meltdown IMT Faridabad, p.p. - 22 - 23. National Conference IT Vidushi Singh
26.Vidushi Singh, "Application of Data Mining Tools in Fraud Detection : Towards an Improvement" Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Technological Trends, VNSIT, Bhopal, pp. - 197 - 203. National Conference IT
27.Vidushi Singh Vidushi Singh (2009), "Data Grid : Replication Management and its Implementation Issues,:Proceedings ICDM" IMT Ghaziabad, p.no. - 18 - 22. International Conference
28.Sharma Nancy and Pandey Sunil(2009) " Business Intelligence in Healthcare : Challenges and Solutions" proceedings of International Conference on IT & Business Intelligence ,IMT Nagpur International Conference.
29.Dr. Namita Dixit presented a paper titled 'A Study on Insurance Boom in India" in tthe UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Emerging Issues in International Trade and Finance in Post Recession Period” held on February 22-23, 2016 at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (University of Delhi), New Delhi.
30.Prof Anuja Roy and Prof Kanika Tandon the faculty members of ITS Mohannagar presented a paper titled Reorienting Branding : The Digital approach to building a series of experiences at UGC Sponsored National conference on MARKETING IN THE 21ST CENTURY:ISSUES AND CHALLENGES ON FEB 5TH and 6TH FEBRUARY 2016 organized by Shaheed Bhagat Singh college (University of Delhi)
Book Published :-
1.Kumar Manoj (2014) Book, “Industrial Law” Ardent Publications, Daryaganj, New Delhi, ISBN: 9789381481837.
4.kumar Manoj(2011) Book “Fundamentals of Management”, Sahitya Bhavan Publication Division, Agra
List of Publication in International/National Seminars/Articles
Kumar Manoj (2011) Article, ‘‘Secularism’’, Aap Abhitak, monthly magazine, Ghaziabad, Issue May 2011.