Objective: In view of the intense cold wave gripping northern states of the country & reports of minimum temperature settling many notches below normal, Disha – The Social Service Club of U.G Campus identified the urgent need to help the underprivileged community of the society by providing them food, clothes etc. along with shoes, stationary and other items of daily usage.
Description: Day 01-08: In this regard a Camp was set up on the Institute premises at the Sports Complex where students could donate their used as well as new clothes. Student volunteers of Disha, did a tremendous job by motivating the students to donate whole-heartedly towards this noble cause. Volunteers made regular announcements in the classrooms to spread awareness about the importance of this camp and the reason thereof. The event was also promoted on social media with equal zeal.
The result was phenomenal. Students, faculty and staff members donated with full enthusiasm, and all sort of necessary goods were collected in such a large quantity that one 4 wheeler seemed insufficient in capacity to transport the donations from the institute to the distribution venue.
Day 09: All the donations were carefully distributed amongst the underprivileged people of slums under the supervision of Prof. Sumit Kumar Sharma & Prof. Amit Sharma. Student volunteers ensured that there was no chaos or untoward incident during the distribution process. Snacks were also provided to the people there.
Disha student volunteers Aakash, Keshav, Manan, Soni,, Sayyad Farooq, Divya, Pranav, Anand, Vanshika, Prapti, Aditya & Ishika contributed in not only donations but also in distribution process. They were as proactive in motivating students to donate as they were while distributing the donated goods. Overall it was a wonderful demonstration of student unity and solidarity towards the underprivileged at its best.