A Corporate Talk on “Cultivating Your Potential for Improving Employability” was organized for BCA students on December 22, 2020. Mr. Alok Singh, Product Manager, Maersk, Pune was the speaker of the session. Dr Sunil Pandey welcomed the guest and talked about how things are volatile, full of uncertainty, competition is so tough in and around, how the requirements, expectations are changing at faster pace. Therefore, students need to be prepared for the upcoming challenges and requirements of the corporate world. The session was very informative and gave students the opportunity to learn how overall development is necessary in present time, how building a good profile helps students to stand out from the crowd, and what kind of skill set they require when they move from academics to the corporate world. Mr. Alok Singh provided insights and understanding regarding the key skill set that most companies look for, discussed practical steps in planning to build a career in IT industry and how to tackle challenges of transitioning from college to the workplace. Mr. Alok Singh handled the queries of all the Students and Faculty members related to employability skills. The Students and the Faculty members found the session very informative and helpful.Such session becomes more important that students can see the world which is about to come in their way by the eyes and experience of veterans of the corporate. https://bit.ly/39OC4Iv #itsmohannagargzb#qualityeducation#bestuginstitute#bestplacement#bba #bca#bestbbacollege#bestbcacollege #bestbca#bestbba#topbba#topbca#bschool #ghaziabad#institute#itsworkfromhome#itsstaysafe#ITSfightagainstCorona#ITScareforyou#staysafe#coronavirus#covid19#awareness#ITSsupporthandwash #CBSEBoardexamination #covid19update #WHOlatest #coronavirusvaccine #limceevitaminc #immunitybooster