ITS Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad UG Campus organized a visit to Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi for BBA & BCA students to attend the Launch of Digital Shakti Phase 5.0 by National Commission for Women (NCW) and CyberPeace on July 05, 2024 followed by two Panel Discussions. The inaugural ceremony was graced by Shri. Sanjay Seth Minister of State for Defence; Shri S. P. Baghel Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Farming; Ms. Meenakshi Negi, Member Secretary- NCW; Ms. Rekha Sharma, Chairperson NCW and Major Vineet from CyberPeace. The NCW launched their podcast “Navchetna” and a book on Digital Safety. The chairperson shared that NCW and CyberPeace have so far trained more than 6 lakh women to stay safe in cyber world and their target is to reach at least 10 lakh women to be cyber safe and create a world record. The event was attended by resource persons from tech companies, Academia, civil society, embassies, Govt. Organizations, Armed Force Personnels, Asha & Angandwadi workers, Police Women, students and Faculty Members. The event followed up with a Panel Discussion on “Empowering Women through Digital Skills” in which Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey, Director-IT participated as a Panelist along with Dr. Subi Chaturvedi from InMobi; Mr. Varun Sakhuja, Director- Mastercard; Mr. Rohit Kumar, Zoom India; and Ms. Dinu Raheja, ED, Lead (TGELF). Dr. Pandey shared various tips and cues that women can utilize to be cyber safe and also shed light on how technological intervention in rural areas is bringing phenomenal changes. The other panelists urged for more representation of women in STEM, de-gender jobs, give confidence to women that women can do it and excel in any field. Designer and developer should be women so that they bring their perspective in the designs. The discussion was moderated by Ms. Sanna Kaushal The second Panel Discussion was on Effects of Cyber Bullying and Trolling on Psychology of an Individual” with panelists Dr Shalini Singh, Asso. Prof, NDDTC-AIIMS; Dr. Manoj, NIMHANS; Ms. Pooja Kinger, Homeland Security Investigation, US embassy; Dr. Rashmi Sharma, CP/Director, 14C, MHA; Mr. Rakesh Maheshwari, Former Sr. Director & Grp. Coordinator, MeiTY. Mr. Kushwant Singh, Author, Former State Info. Commissioner, Punjab and CEO Intelliflicks moderated the discussion. The outcomes of the discussion were that cyber bullying and trolling create a deep-rooted impact on the psyche of a person and they get suicidal thoughts or the urge to harm themselves. They also shared various tips as to how an individual can keep oneself safe from these cyber predators. They also urged young children to not post any personal videos, images and posts on social media to prevent their misuse in cybercrimes. The entire session was very informative and enlightening for the students who were attentive throughout the discussions and pledged to use social media judiciously and in a cautious manner following all safety protocols. The 100 students of BBA & BCA program were accompanied by Prof. Amit Singh, Prof. Shivoham Tiwari, Prof. Shweta Kumar, Prof. Vikas Kumar, Prof. Amit Sharma and Dr. Neerja Anand.