Quiz Events has its own importance in the career of a student, who is pursuing a professional degree. It is considered to be a part of college curriculum. The objective of the Quiz Events is to help students upgrade their knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is not enough for a successful professional career. With an aim to go beyond academics, Technotrix Club planned anOnline Quiz on thetheme “Computing - 90s vs The 21st Century”. The quiz was divided into two rounds the first round was conducted through google form and the second round was conducted through Kahoot.com. The first round was elimination round and top 50 scorers were given a chance to play on kahoot. In the first round there were 30 questions based on Logos, Personalities and Taglines the students were given 20 minutes to choose the correct option all the questions are MCQ based. In the second round the quiz was played through Kahoot.it . Every question had4 options and they were able to answer the correct answer through their phone and the top 5 scorers kept on getting displayed on their laptop screen. For every question, time limit was 30 seconds, the marks were allotted on the basis of time a student took to answer.