The transition from School to University brings many expectations and vision together. Looking at competitive environment of modern era it is need of the hour to prepare students for their overall development and be ready to face competition as it playsa prominent role. In this respect the MarketingClub– Hawker’s of ITS-UG campus organized“Promote The Product” A Competitive Event For BBA and BCA Students On September 17, 2021. The objective behind this competition was to inculcate a sense of value of promotion in the acceptance of product by the buyer or consumers. The presence of Conveners of UG Club & Societies, faculty members and studentsadded enthusiasm among the participants. Dr. Nidhi Agrawal, Assistant Professor – ITS, Ghaziabad graced the event as Internal Judge. Winners of the event: Ms. Sanjana Kumari D/o Mr. HariBansh Prasad enrolled in BBA stood First, Ms. Sonakshi Mittal D/o Mr. Anurag Mittal enrolled in BBA stood Second, Ms. GunikaVij D/o Mr. Hitesh Vij, enrolled in BBAand Ms. Suchita Singh D/o Mr. Mahendra Pratap Singh, enrolled in BCA jointly stood Third