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ITS UG Campus organizing an Online Boot Camp on “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligencefor BCA (Ist& IInd Year) Students from August 31st to September 4th,2021.


The 2nd day Online Boot camp on “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Started at 10:00 AM.The Guest speaker of the day was Mr.Prashant Gangwar Sr. Consultant Tec stack New Delhi. In continuation with the concept of Machine Learning, speaker asked to submit the assessment Test given on Day-1. Mr.Prashant started his session with briefing about the previous day topics and also ask queries on the topics he has covered on Day-1. Mr.Prashant discussed the following topics of Machine Learning: 1. What is Co-relation and with implementation. 2. Testing of Hypothesis . 3. Discuss about positive and negative correlation. 4. Relationship between Covariance and correlation. 5. Predefined library functiond like corr(), heatmap(). 6. Analysis of variance ,significance level, testing of results using implementations. With above concepts,speaker also discussed a very important concept of Data Pre-processing, level encoding in Machine learning. He also discusses about the Neural Network Concept. At last, he also briefed about the important questions for interview. He gave assignment to all students based on topics covered in Day-2 .

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