Online course “Indian Capital Market and Indian Economy” conducted by Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers’ Forum, Mumbai I.T.S UG Campus organized a 5 Days online course on “Indian Capital Market and Indian Economy” was conducted by Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers’ Forum, Mumbai from 5th to 9th July 2021 for the students of BBA and BCA. Following Sessions were conducted: Working of Stock Market - Working of stock exchanges, working of broker, trading account, demat account, risk management, KYC of clients, investment vs speculation Fundamental Analysis- Economic Analysis, industry analysis and company analysis with case studies Mutual Funds - Meaning, types of mutual funds, advantages, working of mutual funds, role in wealth creation, SIP and its benefit, Mutual fund industry scenario Derivative Market Monetary policy and its implication -Role of Central Bank, Monetary instruments, Impact of interest rates on economy, inflation vs interest rates, The sessions were taken by Dr Aditya Srinivas, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Economist, Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers’ Forum, Mumbai. It was an excellent learning opportunity for the students and they demanded more such sessions in future. The course was followed by a Quiz. All the qualified students were issued certificates.