The objective behind organizing Alumni Talk Series is to conduct sessions for students on various topics to enhance their skills. Also, to create awareness among students about the scope of their subject in the professional world along with providing a platform for students to develop their qualities. The Alumni association of I.T.S – The Education Group is moving ahead, with selfless intentions for the growth and development of college students and society around. The association will continuously work towards its vision for a better tomorrow….. Approx. 150 students of 1st and 2nd year of BBA attended the Alumni Talk Series session conducted by Mr. Pushant Tyagi, Human Resource Business Partner – Flipkart, our BBA Alumni (2008-11 Batch). He shared his corporate journey so far in e-commerce and thanked Prof. Pawan Kumar for guiding & motivating him to pursue a career in e-commerce by predicting almost around a decade ago that the future belongs to e-commerce. Mr. Pushant true to his work profile in HR department spoke at length about his role in Flipkart & like a true professional came well-prepared with wonderful presentation to keep his audience engaged all the while. His presentation skills & corporate knowledge was at full display throughout the session and it was a learner’s delight to be a part of the event. He expressed his desire to visit his alma mater in future and meet in person with his teachers and juniors for enhanced interaction opportunities and more knowledge sharing that shall further benefit his juniors.