The Women Cell at I.T.S UG Campus is committed towards holistic development of the young women to attain emotional, physical and mental freedom to withstand the changing scenario throughout their life. In this Endeavor, a Session on मिशनशक्ति -नारीसुरक्षा, नारीसम्मान, नारीस्वावलंबीwas organized on 4th March 2021. The guest speaker for the session was Mrs Smita Singh,Regional Manager UPSID Cand Dr. Aruna Sharma, Head, Dept.of History, Director, women’s Studies Centre, GDM Girls PG College, Modinagar. Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey, Director UG cited an examples from ancient Hindu epic Ramayana that how 7000 years back also we were so progressive in terms of Women Empowerment,he briefed the role of Kaikeyi, Ahilya, Tillotama etc. DrSmita Singh put emphasis on how we can improve the working conditions of weaker section of the society which doesn't have all the privilege of life. She talked about women’s Economic Independence is the need of the hour, it helps a woman to take her own decision, look after her parents, her children and her family. She emphasized on providing with good quality education to girl and women’s from weaker sections to make them skilled and independent, also provide them with proper hygiene and facilities. Dr. Smita Singh who herself was a source of motivation for all the women she said that if we are determined and have our objectives & goals clear in our mind we will definitely achieve it one day. Dr. Aruna Sharma shared her views that the problem of gender inequality is not only limited to our country, It is worldwide. Dr.Aruna Sharma said that women should be aware about their rights she said that there is a need of more women cell in every Institute,So we should try to share our ideas and spread awareness she also gave the example of the article titled " can the subaltern speak " which conclude that we have to identify our potential, we have the cultural values, we have to understand them and become more aware so that a person from a different country don't take advantage of us like the Britishers did in the past. Prof. Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal, UG Campus concluded the session by giving her advice to be the change agent that you want to see, because you can only contribute to the society if you have something. She said that that we all help each other to grow so that we all become empowered. At least we must care our house-hold support for their financial and mental stability. It was a really inspiring and motivating session for all the women faculty members and students.