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“Achievers” Of HR Club UG Campus organized an Online Extempore “The Spur of the Moment for BBA and BCA students, on September 6, 2020.


The objective ofExtempore is to enable the student to think out of the box and off the feet. It is a great platform to develop communication skills and time management, pushes one to conceive and generate ideas without any preparation and makes them to address and analyze the issue on the spot.The theme of the extempore is“Battle of Young Minds”. Description: AnOnline Spur of the moment participants were provided with the topics on spot along with the related visuals. They were aloud to think on the topic for 2 minutes and speaking time was 5 minutes, they could change the topic once,Participants were quite enthusiastic for the event and enjoyed the visuals related to it, Participants has shown astonishing performance which actually needs courage. Winners were decided based on their overall performance, the content, fluency, communication,confidence.

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