I.T.S- Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad I.T.S UG Campus organizes Live Webinar on “Mind-Set & Success” for the students of BCA-II Year (Batch 2019-22) on August 27th, 2020. In today's world, having a success mind-set is important. It allows you flexibility to see the different possibilities and steps needed to get the job done. Mr. Author Sherry - Renowned Professional Skill & Speaking Coach & Trainer conducted a Session on Mind-set & Success for the students of BCA-II Year. He gives 7 points of Guru Mantra for mind-set. It was a wonder session full of interaction and learning. The Programme was also graced by Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey- Director (UG & IT), Prof. Nancy Sharma - Vice Principal UG, Dr. Vidushi Singh - Chairperson-BCA Course. #itsmohannagargzb #qualityeducation #bestuginstitute #bestplacement #bba #bca #bestbbacollege #bestbcacollege #bestbca #bestbba #topbba #topbca #bschool #ghaziabad #institute #itsworkfromhome #itsstaysafe #ITSfightagainstCorona #ITScareforyou #staysafe #coronavirus #covid19 #awareness #ITSsupporthandwash #CBSEBoardexamination #covid19update #WHOlatest #coronavirusvaccine #limceevitaminc #immunitybooster