Under the very able leadership of our Honorable Vice Chairman Mr. Arpit Chadha sir, ITS- The Education Group is trying to make its Students aware of how different Industries are coping up with the effects of Covid-19. In this pursuit, on 23th May’2020 ITS UG Campus Organized a Webinar on “BBT Journey and Super Cars Market after Covid 19” for the BBA/BCA students. Ms. Ritika Ahuja, COO- Big Boy Toys was the speaker for the session.
Ms. Ritika told the students on how Big Boy Toys started its journey and the challenges they faced at the beginning. She talked what motivated her to become a part of the Automobile Industry which is predominantly male dominated. She told the students that in her organization, every customer is treated equally whether he/she is a celebrity or common man. She also talked about the market for diver less cars and super cars in India. She gave her insights about the marketing strategies which according to her is the most important aspect of any business. She also shared about how they have maintained the Brand “BBT” in the Market.
She further said that the Automobile Industry is facing new challenges in the Covid-19 scenario. But at the same time she emphasized on the various opportunities that this situation has created. She gave the audience an insight into how BBT has changed their working patterns in these tough times.
She also shared a few ways in which they are keeping their employees motivated in this gloomy environment. She said that BBT is a Family and all the stake holders have a family relationship with each other. Lot of importance is given to maintain this relationship at BBT. She also shared a few future growth plans of BBT.
Ms. Ritika answered to the student’s queries. The Students got lot of insights about the functioning of the Automobile Industry, especially during these times of a Pandemic.