The world at this time is appreciating and applauding the frontline Corona warriors. I.T.S Ghaziabad salutes the frontline Corona warriors who selflessly are serving the Human Kind. When we talk about Selfless Corona Warriors a name which prominently comes to our mind is that of Ms. Shikha Malhotra - Indian Actress with main lead role in Hindi Feature Film "Kaanchli - Life in a Slough" and Dance performer & who has volunteered as a Nursing Officer. She was kind enough to accept our invitation and was live on the Official Instagram Page of I.T.S on 17th June 2020.
At the onset she said that I.T.S is very special to her and will always remain very close to her heart as this was the first college she came to promote her Movie "Kaanchli - Life in a Slough" with Mr. Sanjay Mishra. She shared her journey of being a very lively child to being paralyzed at the age of 12 years. She told the audience how she regained herself back to the normal enthusiastic person that she is now. She said that her parents had a very important role to play in bringing her back to her normal self.
She shared that when she saw the situation of Covid-19 she decided to volunteer as a Nursing Officer from March 27th 2020. Being a Corona Warrior, she has realized what real heroes are like. She shared her experience of treating people and what it feels like when a patient is fully cured. She also shared how she talks with all her patients and makes them feel positive. Now she has promised herself to be always be voluntarily and selflessly attached to the Medical Service which she feels is the most noble profession.
She advised everyone to never give up and to talk to oneself at least once daily. She ended her talk by requesting everyone to fight with the cause and not with the people. She further requested everyone to hold each other’s hand and to talk to as many as possible.
The audience was mesmerized with her energy level. Her energy was contagious and everyone attending her session could feel it. The students and the faculty members profusely thanked Our Honorable Vice Chairman Mr. Arpit Chadha sir for organizing this session and for spreading so much of positivity around.