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Kumar Pal Singh

Ms. Nupur Sidh

Designation :
Assistant Professor
Email Id: nupursidh@its.edu.in

Experience :

12 Years


Subject Taught:Industrial Law, Human Resource Management, Organization Behaviour, Business Communication, Strategic Management and Business Policy

Ph.D (Pursuing), UGC NET (Labour Welfare), Certified HR Trainer from ISTD, Delhi, MBA (HR), B.Sc Botany (H)

Research Publications

  1. Paper titled “(2014). Corporate Social Responsibility: Integrating CSR with Business Value. International Journal of Business Management and Research. ISSN(Print): 2249-6920

Patent Publication

  1. Design Patent (Design Number - 6305821) titled “Emotion Scanning Apparatus” published by Intellectual Patent Office, United Kingdom.

Participation in Events / Activities Participated

  1. Attended FDP on Teaching pedagogy Advancements and Recent Trends organized by UG - Department in 2018.
  2. Attended one day workshop in Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, Khalsa College in association with MHRD.
  3. Attended a two-day national conference on Intellectual Property Rights and Public Interest organized by Indian Law Institute, Delhi in 2017.
  4. Attended & participated in various other FDPs, conferences, and seminars organized at various levels.

As a Resource Person

  1. Taken a session on “Course of Leadership Development Soft Skills for Police Officers” from 18.07.2022 to 22.07.2022 in Central Detective Training Institute, Ghaziabad.
  2. Taken a Two days workshop on “Anger Management” and “Nutrition and Health” in Sant Nirankari Public School, New Delhi.
  3. Taken a session on “Leadership for Police Officers” from 19.09.2022 to 23.09.2022 in Central Detective Training Institute, Ghaziabad.
  4. Taken a Career Counselling Session on 12.12.2022 for Class XII and X students in RKI, Meerut Road.
  5. Taken a session on “Time Management for Police Officers” from 19.12.2022 to 23.12.2022 in Central Detective Training Institute, Ghaziabad.
  6. Taken a session on “Soft Skills, Ethics, and Morality” on 23.01.2023 in Central Detective Training Institute, Ghaziabad.


  1. Received "Academic Excellence Award - 2021" for contributions in the area of Training and Development for various Academic Institutions and Corporates by Prithvi Abhyudaya Association - India (PAAI).

Additional Responsibilities

  1. HR Club Coordinator
  2. Editor of Admission Brochure
  3. Coordinator - Quiz Whiz
  4. Coordinator - Biz Fiesta

Certification of Appreciation

  1. Certificate of Appreciation received from Manjari Foundation for review and formulation of Corpus Policy.
  2. Certification of Appreciation received from Vice Chairman, I.T.S The Education Group for signification contribution as Coordinator of Quiz Whiz 2016 ( Inter School Quiz Competition).

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