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Kumar Pal Singh

Ms. Divyanshu Chauhan

Designation :
Assistant Professor
Email Id: divyanshuchauhan@its.edu.in

Experience :

9 Years

Human Resource Management and Marketing

Subjects Taught: Marketing Management, Entrepreneurship and small Business management, Customer relationship Management, Services Marketing, Human values and Professional Ethics, Business Ethics, Advertising Management Sales and Distribution Management, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management and Business Policy

Pursuing Ph.D., MBA, B.Sc., UGC NET

Research Publications

  1. One Indian Patent titled systematic approach for cultivating talent and building high-performance teams based on strategic human resource management with application no. 20231161519 has published

Research Paper Publications& Published in International/National conferences

  1. Presented Paper titled A brief study on Recruitment and retention of Human resources in 2nd International conference on Recent innovations in Engineering ,management and pharmacy held on 24-25 February 2023 at IEC Group of Institutions.by Gyanodaya IEC college (ISSN 0975-1432),Volume 15 issue -1 Jan-march 2023
  2. Paper titled Work from home before and after Covid and after COVID affected the Indian Industries and society” published by GJEIS (ISSN 0975-1432),Volume 15 issue -1 Jan-march 2023
  3. Paper titled A study on impact of advertising ,packaging and Branding of FMCG Products; Consumer Behavior analysis in Delhi NCR” published by GJEIS (ISSN 0975-1432),Volume 15 issue -1 Jan-march 2023
  4. Published Research paper in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCE,ISSN 2278-6236 An analysis of the role and influence of strategic HRM in High performing Organizations
  5. Published Research paper in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCE,ISSN 2278-623 ‘’ Efficacy of jobs portals and social media on organizational business (page no-170-181),international journal of advanced research in management and sciences ,Volume 2,Issue 7 ,July 2013.ISSN2278-6236


  1. Participated in four days Workshop on effective research writing skills organized by Bhagwan Mahavir University from 13-16 April 2020
  2. Participated in Tech4ED expo and conference 2023 organized by ICT academy and KC Globed from 28-30 April 2023
  3. Participated in the national conference on “Re-inventing: shifting paradigms and seizing opportunities
  4. Attended National conference on “Innovation-A way to keep ahead” Presented a paper on CSR initiatives in India: An Innovative way for growth
  5. Attended workshop organized by U.P Technical University on “Human values and Professional Ethics”
  6. Participated in various Workshops and FDP programs organized by Jaipuria group of institution, Ghaziabad during my work tenure
  7. National level 5 days FDP on R programming organized by IT IMS in collaboration with spoken tutorial IIT Bombay from 25 -29 may 2020
  8. Participated in capacity building programme on effective use of MS EXCEL at workplace on 17 june 2020
  9. Attended Faculty development programe organized by LMIMS,kerala on 18 July 2020
  10. Participated in ED talk on pedagogy over technology for student engagement on 27 June 2020
  11. Four days webinar on Participated in Faculty development program (FDP)”LEARNING BEYOND HORIZONS” sponsored by AICTE
  12. Participated in industry Academia webinar series -1 unlocking potential during Lockdown 2020
  13. Participated in 1 day E-panel Discussion programme organized by ISM Patna on 14 may 2020
  14. Participate in Meet the Mastero series by Salman Khurshid organized by Vivekanand Global University,Jaipur
  15. Participated in live webinar on Innovations in Indian Financial Markets organized by GL bajaj Institute of management on 04 July 2020
  16. Participated in webinar on Ecommerce in a Hybrid Age held on 21/08/2020 organised by GL Bajaj Istitute of management Attended MDP on Prevention on sexual Harassment (PoSH) Act 2013 organised by GL bajaj Institute of management on 26 July 2021
  17. Participated in National webinar on Financial Education and Cyber crime organized by Bhagwant University Ajmer on 05 Feb 2022
  18. Participated in national webinar You are Born to succeed organized by Bhagwant University Ajmer on 14 March 2022

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