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Kumar Pal Singh

Mr. Amit Singh

Designation :
Assistant Professor
Email Id: amitsingh.sb@its.edu.in

Experience :

15 Years

Subjects Taught: C, C++, Java, Operating Systems, DBMS, Software Engineering, Computer Organization, Networking, Data Structures, Design Analysis & Algorithms, Automata, Compiler Design

Pursuing P.hD.(Computer Science and Engineering),M.Tech(CSE), MCA, B.Sc.(PCM)

Research Publications

  1. Paper presented published on the topic of “ The security of accessing Web-Sevices and SOS using XML and OEG (Oracle Enterprise gateway )” in the National Conference held on 7th Sep 2012 at “Galgotias College of Engineering& Technology”.
  2. Paper presented published on the topic of “Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)” in the National Conference held on 26th Nov’2011, at IMR, Ghaziabad.
  3. Paper presented published on the topic of “Enhance Corporate Competitiveness through ERP” in the National Conference held on 20th Nov’2010, at IMR, Ghaziabad.
  4. Paper presented on the topic of “Issues & Challenges in Cloud Computing” in the National Conference held on 14th Nov’2009, at IMR, Ghaziabad.
  5. Paper presented published on the topic of “ Communication & Information Technology" in the National Conference held at IMR, Ghaziabad.

Participation in Events / Activities Participated

  1. Attended 5-Day FDP on “Advance Research Methods: a qualitative and Quantitative Approach” (25 July – 29 July 2022).
  2. Attended 3 Day FDP on “Inculcating universal Human Values in Technical Education (29 Dec 2022 - 31 Dec 2022).
  3. Attended 1-week Online FDP on “ Security Aspects in Computer Science and its Applications (17 Oct 2022 - 21 Oct 2022).
  4. Attended 5-Day FDP on “ From zero to advanced data Science Techniques to Handle Health care issues on Hand-on with Python / R- Programming “ (6 September 2022 – 10 September 2022).

As Resource Person

  1. Taken Sessions on Android, Core and Advance Java for BCA students .
  2. Conducted the Entrepreneurship Camps for BCA students .
  3. Taken session of pre-placement training for the students of BCA .
  4. Coordinated many software industry visits for the students.

Additional Responsibilities

  1. Coordinator- Entrepreneurship Cell
  2. Coordinator- Placement Cell-UG
  3. Coordinator- Website and Email Maintenance Cell-UG

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