Creativity is something everyone has in their mind and heart, and to express it to others all they need is a chance. It can be expressed in form of words, pictures, music etc. To provide anamazing opportunity, Literario-the Literary club organized a BIOGRAPHY RECITING COMPETITION for students on 21st October 2020. The theme for the competition was biography of great personalities of the world with word limit of 800 words. The purpose of this event was to encourage the creativity and writing skills of students'. These willenhance their thinking and expressions of words. Commendably, the literarians were outstanding, each and every biography had a different perspective and the way they put it up into a tale was appreciated. Students spoke about Mother Teresa, Hanuman Ji, Nelson Mandela, Kailash Satyarthi,LataMangeshkar etc. After reciting all the biographies the winners were selected on the basis of some criteria but all the literarians who participated are winners for us, because participation needs courage.