The Three days Sports week organised by ITS UG Campus Strikers – The Sports Club with an objectives to invite the students who want to exibit their talent, sportsmanship, leadership and strategic thinking in the field as well as to encourage maximum participation in order to inculcate fresh talent in the Institute’s sports events. On Day 01-The event was inaugurated by Mr. Arpit Chadha, Vice-Chairman, I.T.S – The Education Group. The Lamp lightning ceremony was followed by his address to all the students present at the venue and emphasized upon the importance of Sports in student’s life, which was followed by Badminton, Basketball and many more. In the second day of Sports Week - 2021 students began with the much-anticipated Tug-Of-War, Sack race & Spoon race competitions respectively. On the last & final day of the Sports Week – 2021, students participated in events such as Push-Ups Competition & Table Tennis. Finally, the entire Institute including students, faculty & staff members, stood together to appreciate the winners. The Prize Distribution ceremony was organized to felicitate and reward the winners & runner ups.