Mr. Karunakant Rai, Sr. Project Manager, NEC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Alumni of BCA Program I.T.S- Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad (1998-2001 Batch) was the Resource Person of this session. In this session various dimensions of IOT and Smart Infrastructure were discussed.
Mr. Rai advised the students to focus on fundamentals of the subjects they are studying as only this lays the solid foundation for a challenging career path and think innovatively.
On this occasion Dr. Sunil Kr Pandey - Director (UG), in his address said that it is a matter of great satisfaction and happiness to see our Senior Alumni coming back to their own Institute to share their exploration, learning and experience with the students and to guide them.
Prof. Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal (UG) and Dr. Vidushi Singh , BCA – Course Chairperson were also present their along with other faculty members.