At I.T.S we always believe in teaching learning processes that nurture innovation, with the objective of enhancing proficiency and productivity. We provide various opportunities to the students in the form of Guest sessions, seminars and workshops to bridge the gap between the classroom teaching and the corporate world. The college organizes interactive sessions at regular intervals to provide valuable insights of contemporary industrial perspective and the current socio-economic environment. In line with this objective.I.T.S. U.G. Campus organizedan Online Guest Lecture on “Role of AI in Marketing”.The sessionaimed to provide the students an insight in Artificial Intelligence and its role in the modern world. Valuable inputs were provided to the students by Dr Ravi Bhasin Manager (StudentAffairs) IIIT Delhi on the Basics of Marketing and relating them with day to day examples and elaborating on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing was worth remembering which the students cannot find in any books. The resource person’s insights on this subject will definitely be helpful to the students as they move ahead in their career. Altogether the session was highly informative and interactive, the students were very much involved in asking queries and they also got satisfactory answers.