ITS UG Campus Organized A Guest Lecture on “Managerial Economics & Knowledge Management” on October 8, 2021. Prof. (Dr.) Dinesh Kumar who is also Head of Department of Economics at Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut and associated with Economic Society of India delivered his highly thoughtful lecture to the students and learned faculty. The lecture commenced with a glimpse of Various concept of Managerial Economics and moved into the correlation of the subject with the Knowledge Management. The lecture changed the course of thinking that our Population is not a burden rather asset and be thought to channelize it towards knowledge management. It pin pointed how this asset can be taped to enhance the National GDP. The Guest Lecture was well interactive and the students discussed many enquiries in the field of Macro and Micro economics. Students were highly satisfied and motivated as if tuned and geared up for their future actions. They had some questions regarding their own future and received direction and high motivation from the resource person. Students were motivated and aroused for more knowledge in the Guest Lecture, they happily attended for around 1:45 pm.