Aaj Tak, India’s leading Hindi news channel returned with the new edition of its much acclaimed and well-accomplished literature festival, “SAHITYA AAJ TAK” (SAHITYA KE SITARON KA MAHAKUMBH). As part of Aaj Tak's mission to emphasize the value of art and literature in today's society, Students of BBA/BCA (Batch: 2023-26) had an opportunity to attend a convergence of several literary forms, including poetry, prose, music, and theatre. The festival brought together a distinguished group of authors, musicians, actors, columnists, business executives, poets, and theatre artists who have earned a name for themselves throughout the years with their work. The live performance by Jaya kishori ji, motivational speaker and spiritual orator, Manoj Bajpayee (Indian Bollywood actor), Anubhav Singh Bassi (actor & comedian), Nayab middha (poet & performer), Ashutosh Agnihotri (IAS & poet), Rajshri Deshpande (actor), Adarsh Gaurav(actor) and others was appreciated by the students. Students were exposed to a variety of literary genres and it was overall a very positive and beneficial visit.