The Day-05 started with “A Panel Discussion on Cyber Security & Threats” by the experts on. It was a Great Session by the leading experts of the Country including:
Mr. Bharat Anand - Chief Technology Officer, Ministry of Home Affairs; Mr. Golok Kumar Simlii, Ministry of External Affairs; Mr. Vineet Love, Director - Cyber Security, Mazars India ; Mr. Balvinder Banga, CIO, Varuna Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
A Session on Yog Mudra by Dr Vijay Krishna Bansal, Social Activist and Renowned Yog Mudra Trainer was conducted. At the end Director IT & UG Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey along with the Vice principal – UG Campus, Prof Nancy Sharma and both Course Chairpersons Prof Uttam Sharma (BBA) and Dr. Vidushi Singh (BCA) gave away the awards to all the winners of different competitions organized by UG Clubs and societies during last semester and for new batch of BBA/BCA (2019-22) during PRARAMBH-2019. Head Boy, Head Girl from both the courses & President and Secretary of different clubs also felicitated during this award ceremony and the 05 day orientation programme came to an end with a blissful insight to professional journey.