I.T.S-UG Campus organised a
“Virtual Seminar on “Data and AI Virtual Forum: Accelerate your journey to AI” Organized for BCA 1st and 2nd Year on 11th February 2020.
Vikas Arora, Vice President, IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software, IBM India/South Asia, Anil Bhasker, Business Unit Executive, Analytics and Big Data, IBM India/South Asia, Subram Natrajan, Chief Technology Officer, IBM India/South Asia etc were the renowned speaker who took different sessions. The objective of Data and AI Virtual Forum is to discover how you can harness the true potential of your data and drive innovation.
Students of BCA 1st Year (2019 – 2022) and BCA 2nd Year batch(2018-21) participated in the Virtual Seminar. Data is the lifeblood of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The digital economy is today poised to herald a world where AI will enable humongous volumes of data to be sliced and diced in myriad ways to glean accurate insights about people, processes, products and business functions.
Access to large volumes of data will be a key enabler as AI paves the way for transformation, and orchestrating connections between diverse data sets. Data and AI Virtual Forum discussed that how you can harness the true potential of your data and drive innovation.
The session was wonderful as students have the exposure of Data and Artificial Intelligence through Virtual Seminar .