“TECHNOVATION2023”, The IVth Annual Technical Fest for BCA students, comprises of 15 different activities (technical & non-technical) to provide a good platform for the students to exhibit their talents to enhance their knowledge and skills. These activities include – IT Quiz, Overnight Programming, Poster Presentation, Crossword, C Challenge, Nail Bite (Sudoku), IT Fun Show, Web Design, Project Presentation, Blind Coding, Reels Making and Logo Design, Spell Bee etc. Inaugural Ceremony of the event on Day-1, i.e. 27th March, 2023 was conducted during 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at Chanakya Auditorium. Following dignitaries were present at inaugural: 1. Shri Arpit Chadha Vice Chairman - I.T.S – The Education Group 2. Maj. Gen. Rajan Kochhar, VSM Vice Chairman - National Council of News and Broadcasting & Intl. Strategic Affairs and Defence Expert 3. Shri Rajesh Garg Executive Vice President & Chief Digital Officer, Head of Cyber Security Practice Yotta Infrastructure Solutions. Mass participation of the students in all activities of Technovation 2023 has been recorded. Day III i.e. on 29.03.2023, Prize Distribution Ceremony was conducted where all winners received Merit certificates, Medals & Cash Prizes whereas all participants were given participation certificates. I year of BCA (2022-25), won the year wise overall Trophy.