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ITS UG Campus has organised a Guest Lecture on “Network Security” by Dr.Taran Singh Bharati (Assistant Professor, Deptt of Computer Science, JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi) on 25th November 2021.


ITS UG Campus has organised a Guest Lecture on “Network Security” by Dr.Taran Singh Bharati on 25th November 2021. Dr.Taran Singh Baharti - speaker of the session gave an overview of the Data Security and teach the basics of all security measures. He also spoke about the real-time scanning of files for malware detection and the advantages of black-listing and white-listing. The motive behind this lecture was to expose the students about “Data Security”. The students can teach the basics of network security and get a fair idea of how the security is ensured in different networking domain. Through this lecture, students understood a comparison of various security standards with other technologies and also got the exposure of understanding various upcoming security measures as well. More than 250 students attended the very knowledgeable session and appreciated it a lot. Respected Director Sir, Vice Principal Ma’am, BCA course Chairperson, year Coordinators and all faculty members joined the session and appreciated.

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