Objective: With the objective to improve the skills of our students and add value to their profile, an online course on Six Sigma for Yellow Belt Certification was organized from 2nd to 7th August, 2021 for the students of BBA-II Semester. Description: Day-1 One first day of the course the concept of Six Sigma and its importance was briefed to all the participants. The speaker Mr. Bimal N.S. Jaggi, Six Sigma Green Belt Certified told to the students that Six Sigma is a methodology which helps improve business processes by using statistical analysis. The technique can help the organizations to minimize the error and maximize the quality to the percentage of 99.9997. Total 182 students were present on day 1. Day-2 Second day of the course started with history of six sigma technique, its journey of excellence which started with the implementation of technique in Motorola Inc. in the year 1987. The speaker gave introduction of various levels like while best, yellow belt, green belt, black belt and master belt. Case of Amazon was also discussed. Amazon successfully implemented Six Sigma technique and save lot of money. Total 178 students attended day 2 session. Day-3 On third day of the course, concept to reduce defect were explain to increase customer satisfaction, higher profit and continuous improvement. The technique was explained with the example of a food processing unit. Besides, Defect Per Opportunity (DPO) was also explained to all the participants which is a important step of the technique. Total 168 students attended day 3 session. Day-4 Six sigma conversion table was briefed to the participants on day four. Besides, the process of six sigma was explained with the case of a cloth manufacturing unit. Total 168 students attended day 3 session. Day -5 & 6 It was last day of the course in which Six Sigma DMAIC Process was explained to the participants. Black Belt Project Charter was also discussed. A Quiz consisting of 25 questions was sent to the students for assessment. Summary Six Sigma is a data-driven, highly disciplined methodology and approach that ensures elimination of defects in any type of business or organizational process. Implementing Six Sigma within a business offers a number of benefits. Describing the importance of the technique, resource person Mr Bimal N S Jaggi said that today companies prefer the candidates who have such certificates as they can bring quality to their work. It was indeed a great experience for the students and everybody thanked the resource person for sparing his valuable time and energy with the students.