I.T.S. Mohan Nagar UG Campus Students participated in the Gyan Manthan- The Annual fest of Ideal Institute of Management & Technology (IIMT affiliated to GGSIPU) on 13th January 2023. Our students of BBA and BCA participated in various events like Solo and Group Dance, Battle of Bands, Instagram Reel and Sketching in which Dance group of 6 students- Gargi Garg, Aditi Tyagi, Tisha Goel, Varnika, Akansha and Harshita Agarkoti bagged the first prize. The Surmaya Band team of 5 members namely Shashank Sharma, Harshit Kaushik, Kapil Upadhyay, Vidya Gaur and Prakhar Tyagi also won the first prize. The students competed with the students of Shyamlal College, Lady Irwin College and other premier DU & IP Colleges of NCR region. The students were excited and performed exceptionally well. The crowd cheered them while performing.