Report of Day 1 on Online Workshop on “Python” The 5 days Online Workshop on “Python” from 24th to 28th August 2021 for BCA (Ist & IInd Year) Students was inaugurated on 24th August 2021. The objective of workshop is to help students to gain an overall knowledge of the applied technology and its functioning. To introduce python language to students for designing software, data analysis and making online games. The course is designed to provide Basic knowledge of Python. Python programming is intended for software engineers, system analysts, program managers and user support personnel who wish to learn the Python programming language. For present and future reference, we provide ample productive materials focusing the subject and application areas of the technology. Students will get in-depth knowledge about the topic and all the sessions will have Hands-on Practice Sessions. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Sunil Pandey-Director (UG). In the beginning Dr. Sunil Pandey-Director (UG), I.T.S Ghaziabad briefed about the objective and importance of the workshop. Dr. Pandey discussed the importance of Python and how it is evolving significantly over the past decade. He said Python plays a significant role in today’s scenario and he told the relationship that exist between python and machine learning. The speaker of the day was Mr. Varun Arora is working with Department of IT, I.T.S Ghaziabad. He is having total experience of 12 years. He is Pursuing PhD from JIIT, Noida. He has done B.Sc. (PCM), M.Sc. (Physics), MCA and M.Tech. His Interest areas are Nature Inspired Algorithms, Machine Learning. He has undertaken many workshops and trained many IT professionals and students. PYTHON WORKSHOP DAY-1 The first day of the workshop covered introductory topics such as Basic data types and variable. Mr. Arora discussed the fundamentals of Python. In his session he covered the Introduction part which includes • Why python? • Importance of Python • Future aspects of Python • Downloading Python • Installing Python • Understanding the command window and script windows, Writing and executing Python Program, Pythonsyntax. He addressed about Python that it is a very simple language and easy to code, debugging in python is very easy. Statement written in the python are of simple English words, which makes it easy for the people who doesn’t know coding. It uses interpreter. It was designed by Guido van Rossum. It can work on windows, mac, Linux and more. It is a case sensitive language. He also addressed about the Uses of pythonin the scripting language, Web designing and Server-loading. He talked about comparison of python with other languages. He focused that why python is famous or gaining popularity as it is Easy to program and simple English, it Uses interpreter, that means it read line by line,it doesn’t include header files. There is no need to declare the variables. It doesn’t require semi colon at the end of each line. It is less time consuming. It is open source & freely available. These are the few key features he discussed. He told the students that as there are no brackets in this language so the student has to take care of the Indentation. Indentation plays a important role in the execution of the python program. He stated the role of Comment and way of writing it. He told the how the Variables are declared and how much bytes are required to store different type of variables. Strings play an important role in different programming languages, speaker focused on the various methods we can apply on strings such as lower,upper,replace,split etc.The topic of Casting( Casting means change the type of the data) was discussed in detail. The Day1 ended with doubt clarification of the topics by the speaker discussed so far, the session was very interactive as student were involved and they acted like a keen learner. PYTHON WORKSHOP DAY-2 The day started with great enthusiasm the students joined before the workshop started.The speaker started the day with recap of Day1 and questions were asked from students from day1 to judge that the concepts are clear to the students.He started the topicPython operations and discussed different types of operators that works in the python such as Arithmetic operation(Addition (+),Subtraction (-),Division (/),Multiplication (*),Modulus (%) – gives the remainder, Exponentiation (**)- used to find the power, Floor division (//)- quotient without decimal),Assignment operator: used to assign the value to the variables(=,+=,&=,!=,^=,>>=,<<=),Comparison operator: used to compare two valuesEqual (==),Not equal (!=),Greater than (>),Lesser than (<), Greater than or equal to (>=),Lesser than or equal to (<=),Logical operator: used to combine conditional statementsAnd,Or,Not. Identity operator: used to compare the objects-Is, Is not. Membership operator: values in the array or not- In,notin.Bitwise operator -And (&),Or (|), Xor (^),Not (~) Later On, the speakertalked about Python collection (array).There are four collection data types in the python programming language. • List: ordered, changeable and allow duplicate • Tuple: ordered, unchangeable and allow duplication. • Set: unordered, unindexed and no duplication. • Dictionary: unordered, changeable and no duplication. The speaker ended the day2 session by discussing list how they are declared,or they can be using constructor and its methods such as Append(),Clear(),Count(),Copy(),Extend(),Index(),Insert(),Pop(),Remove(),Reverse(),Sort() PYTHON WORKSHOP DAY-3 Day3 started with the discussion on the topic - Collection of data (array) in python in which speaker taught about different types of collections and there characteristics and the methods functions that can be used in different types of arrays in python. For example, like collections of data are LIST,TUPPLE, DICTIONARIES And SET . There are different methods which are available and can be implemented in these lists.Also, some of the programs were performed using these methods. Students were given time to execute the programs based on that practice exercise were shared by the speaker. The session was interactive where students were involved and showing their involvement by sharing their executed codes and outputs on chat. Next topic of discussion was conditional statements that are available in Python like -- if else statement and elif which is used in place of else if then about indentation that is indentation is used to define a scope where set of statement is executable. Some of the examples were also executed which showed the use of if else and elif. The speaker talked about different iteration statement and how they are used in Python like while loop, for statement which is also used for iteration or repeating a given set of statement. Syntax of both these statements is different. A range() function which is used to define starting and ending of an iteration is also taught by the speaker. with the help of iterations many programs were performed like printing tables and then printing numbers between 100 and 200 which are divisible by 7 in which we use elif and if else condition also. The range function was the last topic of the day3 then speaker gave programs as a homework project which includes 4-5 programs like printing print factorial of digits of a number, reversing a number, display the discount table and printing numbers between 100 and 200 divisible by 7 and print their sum these programwill help students in practicing different looping statements and iteration statements as well as range function. PYTHON WORKSHOP DAY-4 On Day-4, the speaker explained about functions in python, how we can create a function, call a function it's syntax and its use to increase the reusability of program and decrease its complexity. After that speaker discussed about the Return function how a value is returned in program inside function as well as outside the given function along with its syntax and usage. Next topic that was discussed on Day-4 was modules which are available in python.Methods of naming modules, creating variables in modules , how to use it in a program.Also the use of for() built-in function which is available in python. At the end students were taught about the parameters and arguments of functions . PYTHON WORKSHOP DAY-5 On Day-5 the speaker discussed about how to install matplotlib.He discussed about the plotting of Graphs using Python. On Day 5 the speaker carried out the question-and-answer session to let the students have an in-depth knowledge related to the topic. At the end Chairperson BCA Dr.Vidushi Singh congratulated the students for their active participation during the workshop.