The objective of the workshop was to provide Basic knowledge of Python. The workshop was taken through online mode via Zoom Platform. Practical examples were demonstrated throughout the workshop. Prof. VarunArora and Prof. Abhay Kumar Ray were the resource persons of the workshop for BCA first year students. Total 90 students from BCA First Year attended the workshop on 2nd February, 2021 and 68 students attended the workshop. Following points were discussed in the workshop: S. No. Topic 1. Introduction to Python 2. Introduction to Spyder IDE 3 Writing Python programs 4 Python Syntax 5 Comments, Variable 6 Data Types 7 Conditional Statements, Looping 8 Functions 9 Graphs Session was interactive. At the end students were give a quiz to solve. Workshop Dates: 2ndand 3rd February, 2021 Timings: 10:00 am- 4:30 pm Mode: ONLINE Platform: Zoom Meetings