We were thinking as to how to speak with all our students, and thought if we can run Online Classes why not On-Line Meeting and that's all. Thanks to Internet, we all did it today with presence of over 500 Students of BBA Course today @ ITS Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad - PG Campus (Itsugbbabca Mohannagar, BBA BCA at ITS Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, Itspgcampus Mohan Nagar)!
It was great discussion, through Online with the myself, Prof. Nancy Sharma (Vice principal), Prof Uttam Sharma - Chairperson BBA Course, Prof. Pawan Kumar Singh, Prof. Khan Aadil & Dr. Sandeep Garg (Coordinators of BBA Course) presence of students, but still very useful, interactive and simply awesome! It was wonderful experience to intercat with all our students of BBA Course since the Lockdown started apart from their Regular On-Line Classes, Webinars, Tests, Examinations in Online mode etc. Happy to see our students supporting and coming forward to appreciate the efforts of Institute.