The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) an initiative of Ministry of Education organized an a “Workshop on Process of Innovation Development and Technology Readiness” for the 1st and 2nd year students of BBA & BCA Program on Feb. 26, 2024. The objective of the workshop was to encourage the young minds to develop the innovation streak in them by taking cue from their daily life problems and use technology for driving their innovative products/services. The workshop was conducted by Prof. Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal-UG who had structured her presentation into various segments starting from self-assessment by asking question to oneself ‘Who am I?’ and closing it with technology innovations which have reshaped the future. During her session, she asked students to read case study depicting the business models of OLA founders and prepare a write-up as to what prompted them to come up with this idea. She also discussed the example of Google founders and asked them to watch the YouTube video “Algorithm Behind Google Search Engine” to understand the function of Google. Prof. Nancy later shared with students the linkage between Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The last section was dedicated to technology, how it can be utilized to the advantage of the students. The event was attended by 100 IIC student members who highly appreciated the workshop and were awarded with a certificate of participation.