ITS- The Education Group always believes in developing and grooming the students in all spheres. In pursuit of this, a Conversation was organized with the Indian Cricketer Mr. R.P Singh under the able leadership of our Honorable Vice Chairman Mr. Arpit Chadha sir. The session was anchored by Professional anchor Ms. Divya Vaid.
Mr. R.P Singh shared how he stared his journey from Raebareli and pursued his passion for cricket to become a National Cricket player. He said that only cricket defines him and he feels that he is nothing without cricket.
He told his fans that Sachin Tendulakar is his inspiration and that he started playing cricket with tennis ball.
He also shared how his coaches helped his to improve his performance. He advised the students that the process is more important than the results. If one follows the process properly than results will automatically show up.He told the importance of taking decision. He said that he has always taken decision in life and has worked towards making the decisions right.
He said that there is no short cut to success and that only hard work is the key to success.He shared on the ways he is spending his post retirement. He said that he is enjoying coaching budding cricketers.
On being asked by our Honorable Vice Chairman Mr. Arpit Chadha sir about the huge responsibility being bestowed upon by BBCI of selecting selectors, he said that he is honored by this responsibility and will definitely fulfill this responsibility with dedication.
He also shared his experiences during the World Cup of 2007. He said that the moments which he had spent with his team mates will always remain very special for him.
Professional Anchor Ms. Divya Vaid asked a few rapid fire candid questions like to name 5 Gujrati Snacks as his wife is from Gujrat and to name his favourite actress which he very sportingly answered.
Further Mr. R. P Singh told the students ways to handle stress and the importance of being mentally strong.
Our Honorable Vice Chairman Mr. Arpit Chadha Sir expressed his gratitude towards Mr. R.P Singh for sharing his thoughts with the students and motivating them.
The students were grateful to our Honorable Vice Chairman Mr. Arpit Chadha Sir and the Institute for arranging such interactions during times like this.