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Kumar Pal Singh

Dr. Vidushi Singh

Designation :
Associate Professor
Email Id: vidushisingh@its.edu.in

Experience :

22 Years

Databases, Data Mining and Programming.

PhD in Computer Science from Barkatullah University, Bhopal in year 2015, M.Sc. (Computer Science) from Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur in year 1999, Bachelor of Science (Computer Application, Maths, Physics) from Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur in year 1997.


Paper Presentations:

  1. Research Paper on the title "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Shaping the Future of Computing with Significant Real-World Potential” is presented and published in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Electrical, Electronics, and Biotechnology Engineering organized by Chandigarh University, Mohali (Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering), 3rd–4th July 2024, in association with: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group).
  2. “ Future of Secure Financial Transactions : Bitcoins” International Conference on Changing Global Economic Scenario – Strategies for Business Sustanability 11 th November 2017 organized by Jaipuria Business School Ghaziabad.
  3. “Security Challenges in Distributed Computing" presented in National Conference on Contemporary issues & Emerging Trends in Management and Technology at UIMT , Greater Noida 9th April 2011.
  4. “Application of data mining tools in fraud detection : towards an improvement” presented in national conference NCETT-2010 at VNS Institute of Technology, Bhopal from March 19th -20th ,2010.
  5. “Data Grid: Replication Management and Its Implementation Issues” presented in International Conference on Data Management (ICDM2009) at IMT Ghaziabad from February 10th-11th ,2009.
  6. “Future of IT industry: Technology & Implementation Issues” presented in National Conference on Global Meltdown at IMT Faridabad from April 10 th -11th ,2009.

Book Chapter

  1. Book Chapter “Bridging Traditional Indian Wisdom with Modern Technology “ selected to publish in the edited book on “Indian Knowledge System “Empowering Bharat with AncientKnowledge Repository…. Bridging Present, Past &Future”, August 2024 .

Professional Certification:

  1. Completed 4 weeks long online certification in “The Data Scientist’s Toolbox” from John Hopkins University in March 2017.
  2. Completed 8 weeks long online certification in “Cloud Computing” from NPTEL in August-October 2018 with Elite Grade.
  3. Completed 8 weeks long online certification in “Data Mining” from NPTEL on 27th April 2019.
  4. Completed 12 weeks long online certification in “Joy of Computing Using Python” from NPTEL in 28th April 2019 with Elite Grade and Silver Medal.
  5. Completed 12 weeks long online certification in “Introduction to Internet of Things” from NPTEL in 20th June 2020 with 92%.
  6. ·
  7. Completed online certification in “Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning” from Coursera on 29th May 2020.

Research Publications:

International Journals

  1. Research paper titled "Fostering Effective Human-AI Collaboration: Bridging the Gap Between User-Centric Design and Ethical Implementation" in the Scopus Indexed Journal, "International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication" (February 2024, ISSN: 2321-8169, Volume: 12, Issue: 2).
  2. “Data Grid: Grid Replication and Its Implementation Issues”, International Journal IJCEE (ISSN: 0975-4202).
  3. ”Challenges of Dynamic Load Balancing of Association Rule Mining Algorithms in Distributed Computing Platform” International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining  Vol 1, issue 1,June 2011.
  4. “Performance Improvement of Association Rule Mining Algorithms through Load Balancing in Distributed Computing Platform”, International Journal of Computational Engineering and Management, Vol 15, issue 5, September 2012.

International Conferences:

  •  “Data Grid: Replication Management and Its Implementation Issues” presented in International Conference on Data Management (ICDM2009) at IMT Ghaziabad from February 10th-11th, 2009.

National Conferences:

  1. “Future of IT industry: Technology & Implementation Issues” presented in National Conference on Global Meltdown at IMT Faridabad from April 10 th -11th, 2009.
  2. “Application of data mining tools in fraud detection: towards an improvement” presented in national conference NCETT-2010 at VNS Institute of Technology, Bhopal from March 19th -20th, 2010.
  3. “Security Challenges in Distributed Computing" presented in National Conference on Contemporary issues & Emerging Trends in Management and Technology at UIMT , Greater Noida 9th April 2011.

Articles Published:

  • Published online an article on the topic “Inflection points of IT Industry in India”, on MESDAI.ORG BLOG, September 2017.


  1. I have also received Women’s Achiever Award by Environment and Social DevelopmentAssociation, Delhi and Dr. Swarn Chawla Memorial Award Foundation Delhi on International Women’s Day 9th March 2024.
  2. I have also been honored by Uttar Pradesh Government Higher Education Department and CCS University Meerut for the contribution in the field of Higher Education and Implementation of NEP-2020 on 5th September 2021.

Subjects Taught:

Advanced Database Management System, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, C Programming, C++ Programming, Computer Architecture, Computer Organization, Data Structures, Database Management System, Knowledge Management, Computer Organization & Architecture and Software Engineering

Work Profile: (Academic Administration)

  1. Working as Chairperson-BCA.
  2. Worked as Coordinator-BCA.
  3. Head Women Cell, UG Campus
  4. SPOC of NPTEL Local Chapter at I.T.S Ghaziabad.
  5. Member of Discipline Committee.
  6. Former Examination Controller for internal and external exams,
  7. Former Head of the College Grievance Cell,

Institution Building:

  1. With the support of Institute, initiated formation of NPTEL Local Chapter at I.T.S Ghaziabad,
  2. SPOC of NPTEL Local Chapter at I.T.S Ghaziabad.
  3. Core committee member of the College Annual Fest .

Participation in Events / Activities Participated/ As Resource Person

  1. Judged in annual fest “TEJAS 2016” to be held at ABES EC, Ghaziabad on 15th & 16th March 2016.
  2. Moderator of the session on the topic “Impact of Social Networking On Lives of Us: Are We Together or Far” in one week FDP on “Information 3System Frontiers” from 5th- 10th June 2017 at Jaypee institute of Information & Technology, ;

As Participant

  1. Attended two days’ workshop on “Cloud Computing & Big Data Analytics” on 26th & 27th February 2016 at IPEM, Ghaziabad.
  2. Attended an international conference on “India Telecom-2016, Transforming India” on 2nd November, 2016 at Hotel Le-Meridian, New Delhi.
  3. Attended training on digital evaluation at AKGEC – Ghaziabad organized by AKTU Lucknow on 2nd –Dec -2016.
  4. Attended one day Faculty Development Programme on “Application Development” organized by TCS, iON Pride on 16th January 2017.
  5. Attended Faculty Development Programme on Information System Frontiers 2017 from 5th to 10th June 2017 organized by Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Sector 128, Noida.
  6. Attended Faculty Development Programme on Information System Frontiers 2017 from 5th to 10th June 2017 organized by Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Sector 128, Noida.
  7. Attended International Conference on “Changing Global Economic Scenario Strategies for Business Sustainability” at NDMC Conventional Centre, Connaught Place, New Delhi, organized by Jaipuria School, Ghaziabad on 11th November, 2017. And presented research paper “Future of Secure financial Transactions: Bitcoins”.
  8. Attended SPOC Felicitation Workshop on 30th Jan 2018 at Outreach Centre of IIT Kanpur, NOIDA branch.
  9. Attended “Kya Kehta Hai India” organized by ZEE NEWS at their ZEE Studio, Film City, Noida on 23rd March, 2018.
  10. Attended SPOC Felicitation Workshop at IIT Kanpur Outreach Centre, Noida on 21 st July 2018.
  11. Attended “Taal Thok Ke” organized by ZEE NEWS at Noida Stadium, Noida on 2nd April, 2019.
  12. Attended SPOC Felicitation Workshop conducted by IIT Kanpur at Outreach Centre, Kanpur on 19 th January 2019.

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