The 02-days Online National Conference on “Next Generation Computing Technologies and its Role in Nation’s Development” was organized by I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad. The Conference is sponsored by AICTE and technically supported by Computer Society of India concluded on a Grand Note attracts huge Media coverage. . On Day-2 of the National Online Conference on “Next Generation Computing Technologies and its Role in Nation’s Development” was organized by I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad. The Conference is sponsored by AICTE and technically supported by Computer Society of India. On Day-2 The Conference, following Eminent Guests have addressed the gathering: 1. Prof. S. Srinivas Kumar Vice Chancellor Jawaharlal Technological University, Anantapur 2. Prof. A.K. Nayak IPP & Chairman Academics & Awards Committee, CSI 3. Shri Kiran Deshpande Co-founder - Mojo Networks & Ex. CEO - Tech Mahindra 4. Dr. Burzin Bharucha Advisor - E & Y In the Technical Session on Day-2, Industry Experts shared their perspectives on different verticals including Banking. Learning & Development, Information Security and Customer Focused applications and way ahead. In this Session following Experts shared their perspectives: 1. Mr. S. Sridhar, Vice President - Tata Communications 2. Mr. Bharat Panchal, Chief Risk Officer, India, Middle East & Africa, FIS, Global 3. Dr. Sushila Madan Lady Sriram College, Delhi In Post Lunch 24 Authors presented their Papers in different Parallel Sessions. The Conference was attended by over 700+ Participants form 26 States of the Country and 8 Countries in different sessions. DAY-1: A 02-Days National Online Conference on “Next Generation Computing Technologies and its Role in Nation’s Development” was organized by I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad. The Conference is sponsored by AICTE and technically supported by Computer Society of India. The Conference was inaugurated today on Day-1 by eminent guests including: 1. Prof. K.K. Aggarwal Chairman – National Board of Accreditation 2. Prof. Vinay Kumar Pathak Vice Chancellor Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow 3. Prof. Vinita Sahay Director - IIM Bodhgaya Towards the end of Inaugural Session e-Proceedings was also released by the Guests. On this occasion Shri Surinder Sood, Director (PR), I.T.S – the Education Group, Dr. Sunil Kr Pandey, Professor & Director (IT & UG), Prof. Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal (UG) and the faculty Members were also present. After Inauguration of the Conference, in the First Technical Session, Industry Experts shared their perspectives on different verticals including Banking. Learning & Development, Information Security and Customer Focused applications and way ahead. In this Session following Experts shared their perspectives: 1. Mr. Feroz Khan, Head Digital Advisory, KPMG 2. Mr. Prasnaa Lohar, Chief Information Officer, DCB Bank 3. Mr. Venkata Satish Gutulla, Director (Security), Rediff 4. Mr. Ankit Jhamb, KPMG In Post Lunch 22 Authors presented their Papers in different Parallel Sessions. The Conference was attended by over 400 Participants form 26 States of the Country and 8 Countries in different sessions of the Days. #itsmohannagargzb #qualityeducation #bestuginstitute #bestplacement #bba #bca #bestbbacollege #bestbcacollege #bestbca #bestbba #topbba #topbca #bschool #ghaziabad #institute #itsworkfromhome #itsstaysafe #ITSfightagainstCorona #ITScareforyou #staysafe #coronavirus #covid19 #awareness #ITSsupporthandwash #CBSEBoardexamination #covid19update #WHOlatest #coronavirusvaccine #limceevitaminc #immunitybooster