03-Days On-line Faculty Development Program on Changing New Normal in Post COVID-19 Scenario in Education, Technology & Businesses (1st – 3rd May 2020)
Day-1: 03-days On-line Faculty Development Program on “Changing New Normal in Post COVID-19 Scenario for Education, Technology & Businesses” started today, i.e. on 1st May, 2020. It was a great learning today to see wonderful participation of about 70 Faculty Members in this FDP organized by Dept. of IT & UG Campus at ITS Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad. Today the renowned Resource Persons presented deep insights of various dimensions in context of Post COVID-19 scenario. These were really enlightening sessions by the Resource Persons including:
1. Shri Anil Trigunayat, IFS (Retd.), Former Ambassador of India in Amman, Libya, Malta amd Dy. High Commissioner, Russia
2. Shri Pankaj Gupta, PSE, Washington, USA
3. Shri Upkar Singh, Director (Technology), FIS Global
4. Dr. M.P. Singh, Professor, Dr. BR Ambedkar University, Agra
2nd Day On-line Faculty Development Program on “Changing New Normal in Post COVID-19 Scenario for Education, Technology & Businesses” started today, i.e. on 2nd May, 2020. It was a great learning today to see wonderful participation of about 70 Faculty Members in this FDP organized by Dept. of IT & UG Campus at ITS Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad. Today the renowned Resource Persons presented deep insights of various dimensions in context of Post COVID-19 scenario. These were really enlightening sessions by the Resource Persons including:
1. Lt. Col. Prashatnt Mishra, AVP, Vihaan Technologies
2. Air Marshal P.K. Roy
3. Shri Ravinder Arora, CISO, IRIS Software
4. Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Professor & Head of Dept. - Computer Applications, NIT Kurukshetra
5. Dr. M.P. Singh, Professor, Dr. BR Ambedkar University, Agra
6. Mr. Vineet Love, Director (Cyber Security), Mazar Indian Ltd
3rd day of FDP witnessed wonderful conversation and engaging discussion on VUCA World and different types challenges being poised in Post COVID-19 scenario irrespective of verticals and domains. Mr. Archie Jackson, Sr. Director INCEDO Inc. and Dr. S.C. Yadav, Professor & Head, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi presented their perspectives.
During the Sessions, Shri Anil Trigunayat enlightened the participants about the International Relations and paradigm shift in Power & Economic dimensions in special reference to India. It was highly interactive and enlightening session.
Prior to this Shri Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman, ITS - The Education Group, Ghaziabad, in his Welcome Address, while welcoming the Guests, spoke about the impact of COVID-19 on across the organizations, emergence of forced digital transformation and how it can be translated into opportunities.
Shri Pankaj Gupta discussed the impact on IT Operations in businesses and the on Post COVID-19 and talked about various dimensions, challenges and beginning of New Normal.
Shri Upkar Singhji in his address talked in greater detail on Post COVID-19 scenario and how the Organization’s functioning, Technology and organizational work culture is expected to be challenged. He talked in detail about various aspects of Technology and its impact on businesses and paradigm shift in existing processes, functions and conventional systems to entirely new norma;.
Dr. M.P. Singhji discussed about Soft Computing and related Research Areas. He addressed various issues and provided a detailed coverage on Deep Learning.
It was a great learning today and we look forward the Day-2 equally amazing with presence of renowned experts from Research, Defense, Cyber Security, Businesses, Technology and Cyber Security.