The Women Cell at ITS Organized A very Engaging and Informative Session on Safety Tips Regarding Problems in Adolescents and Reproductive Aged Women by Dr. Anjali Tempe, Director- Prof. & IVF Coordinator Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology MAMC, & LNH, New Delhi on 27th May’2020 at 5pm.
Our Lady Vice Chairman Ms. Latika Chadha who is always concerned about the well being of our students graced the session by her presence.
Dr. Anjali handled the queries of all the Students and Faculty members related to various Gynecological problems. She also talked in length about preventing Cervical Cancer. She also briefed the listeners about Endometrial thickening and its reasons.
She advised everyone to increase the intake of Calcium. She suggested that we all should do regular exercise and eat right. She said that one should make exercise a part of our lives at a very early stage. She also told everyone to drink lots of water.
The Students and the Faculty members found the session very informative and helpful. They thanked our Honorable Vice Chairman and the Institute for organizing such an enlightening session.